Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Gasinski, M. Adam', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 10
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P.S.792,40.6 Guide to the Geological Excursion Cracow - Zakopane (Polish Carpathians) Österreichische Geologische Gesellschaft 31. Mai - 3. Juni 1988 Slaczka, A.; Gasinski, M. Adam; Österreichische Geologische Gesellschaft In: Exkursionsführer der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft (ÖGG)
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10163,40-Per.3 Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera (Krakow, Poland, September 12 - 19, 1993) Kaminski, Michael A.; Geroch, Stanislaw; Gasinski, M. Adam In: Grzybowski Foundation special publication
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10163,40-Per.2 IWAF IV: Fourth International Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera: Poland, Krakow, September 12 - 19, 1993;Excursion Guidebook Polish Flysch Carpathians Slaczka, Andrzej; Geroch, Stanislaw; Koszarski, Leszek; Gasinski, M. Adam; Malata, Ewa In: Grzybowski Foundation special publication
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7741,40-Per.85 The Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in turbiditic deposits of the Skole Nappe, Polish Carpathians Gasinski, M. Adam; Uchman, Alfred In: Climate and Biota of the Early Paleogene CBEP 2011: 5 - 8 June 2011 Salzburg, Austria: Conference Program and Abstracts
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P.S.1242,80.60 The clasts of cretaceous marls in the conglomerates of the Konradsheim Formation (Pöchlau quarry, Gresten Klippen Zone, Austria) Slaczka, Andrzej; Gasinski, M. Adam; Bak, Marta; Wessely, Godfrid In: Geologica Carpathica ; 60
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P.S.1242,80.56 Konradsheim Limestone of the Gresten Klippen Zone (Austria): new insight into its stratigraphic and paleogeographic setting Höck, Volker; Slaczka, Andrzej; Gasinski, Marian A.; Bak, Marta In: Geologica Carpathica ; 56
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34959,80-Per.9 Albian and Cenomanian foraminifera from the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Carpathians, Poland) Gasinski, M. Adam In: New Aspects on Tethyan Cretaceous Fossil Assemblages
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P.S.1463,80.56.4 Early Eocene age of a sandstone from the Buntmergel Formation (Gresten Klippen Zone, Lower Austria) Gasinski, M. Adam; Hoeck, Volker; Slaczka, Andrzej; Ionescu, Corina In: Mesozoic and Cenozoic of the Polish Carpathians - and beyond: A tribute to Andrzej Slaczka and Nestor Oszczypko
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P.S.784,80.109.2 Albian microfossils in the calcarenite limestone from Dopplerhütte and Tulbingerkogel quarries (Northern Zone of the Rhenodanubian Flysch Zone, eastern Austria) Slaczka, Andrzej; Gasinski, M. Adam; Wessely, Godfrid; Wojcik-Tabol, Patrycja In: Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences ; 109.2
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15365,40 Microfossils in ancient ceramics: tracing the firing temperature and the raw materials Goga Beqiraj, Enkeleida; Ionescu, Corina; Hoeck, Volker; Gasinski, Marian A.; Muka, Belisa In: XXI International Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association (CBGA): Abstracts: Advances of Geology in southeast European mountain belts: September 10-13, 2018 University of Salzburg, Austria
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Gasinski, M. Adam', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 10