Titel |
Use of remote sensing and seismotectonic parameters for seismic hazard analysis of Bangalore |
VerfasserIn |
T. G. Sitharam, P. Anbazhagan, K. Ganesha Raj |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Digitales Dokument |
Erschienen |
In: Natural Hazards and Earth System Science ; 6, no. 6 ; Nr. 6, no. 6 (2006-10-26), S.927-939 |
Datensatznummer |
Publikation (Nr.) |
copernicus.org/nhess-6-927-2006.pdf |
Zusammenfassung |
Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis (DSHA) for the Bangalore, India has
been carried out by considering the past earthquakes, assumed subsurface
fault rupture lengths and point source synthetic ground motion model. The
sources have been identified using satellite remote sensing images and
seismotectonic atlas map of India
and relevant field studies. Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) has been
determined by considering the regional seismotectonic activity in about 350 km
radius around Bangalore. The seismotectonic map has been prepared by
considering the faults, lineaments, shear zones in the area and past
moderate earthquakes of more than 470 events having the moment magnitude of 3.5
and above. In addition, 1300 number of earthquake tremors having moment
magnitude of less than 3.5 has been considered for the study. Shortest
distance from the Bangalore to the different sources is measured and then
Peak Horizontal Acceleration (PHA) is calculated for the different sources
and moment magnitude of events using regional attenuation relation for peninsular
India. Based on Wells and Coppersmith (1994) relationship, subsurface fault
rupture length of about 3.8% of total length of the fault shown to be
matching with past earthquake events in the area. To simulate synthetic
ground motions, Boore (1983, 2003) SMSIM programs have been used and the PHA
for the different locations is evaluated. From the above approaches, the PHA
of 0.15 g was established. This value was obtained for a maximum credible
earthquake having a moment magnitude of 5.1 for a source
Mandya-Channapatna-Bangalore lineament. This particular source has been
identified as a vulnerable source for Bangalore. From this study, it is very
clear that Bangalore area can be described as seismically moderately active
region. It is also recommended that southern part of Karnataka in particular
Bangalore, Mandya and Kolar, need to be upgraded from current Indian Seismic
Zone II to Seismic Zone III. Acceleration time history (ground motion) has
been generated using synthetic earthquake model by considering the revised
regional seismotectonic parameters. The rock level PHA map for Bangalore has
been prepared and these maps are useful for the purpose of seismic
microzonation, ground response analysis and design of important structures. |
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