Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Gabrielse, H.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 12
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P.S.1524,80.77-19 Stratigraphy, Terminology and Correlation of Upper Proterozoic Rocks in Omineca and Cassiar Mountains, north-central British Columbia Mansy, J. L.; Gabrielse, H. In: Geological Survey of Canada Paper
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P.S.1524,80.75-33 Geology of Fort Grahame E 1/2 Map-Area, British Columbia (94C E1/2) Gabrielse, H. In: Geological Survey of Canada Paper
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P.S.90,80.319 McDame Map-area, Cassiar District, British Columbia Gabrielse, Hubert In: Geological Survey of Canada Memoir
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P.S.90,80.366 Geology of Flat River, Glacier Lake, and Wrigley Lake Map-areas, District of Mackenzie and Yukon Territory Gabrielse, H.; Blusson, S. L.; Roddick, J. A. In: Geological Survey of Canada Memoir
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P.S.1524,80.60-24 Tectonic Framework of southern Yukon and northwestern British Columbia Gabrielse, H.; Wheeler, J. O. In: Geological Survey of Canada Paper
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P.S.1524,80.64-52 Flat River, Glacier Lake, and Wrigley Lake, District of Mackenzie and Yukon Territory 95E, 95L, and 95M Gabrielse, H.; Roddick, J. A.; Blusson, S. L. In: Geological Survey of Canada Paper
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P.S.1524,80.68-38 Geology of Coal River Map-area, Yukon Territory and District of Mackenzie (95 D) Gabrielse, H.; Blusson, S. L. In: Geological Survey of Canada Paper
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P.S.1524,80.68-55 Geology of Jennings River Map-area, British Columbia (104-O) Gabrielse, H. In: Geological Survey of Canada Paper
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P.S.1524,80.69-16 Foraminiferal Zonation and Stratigraphy of the Type Section of the Nizi Formation (Carboniferous System, Chesteran Stage), British Columbia Mamet, B. L.; Gabrielse, H. In: Geological Survey of Canada Paper
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P.S.1524,80.86-16 The Upper Triassic Kutcho Formation Cassiar Mountains, north-central British Columbia Thorstad, L. E.; Gabrielse, H. In: Geological Survey of Canada Paper
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SE 8759-A The Cordilleran Structure Province Wheeler, J. O.; Gabrielse, H. In: Variations in tectonic styles in Canada
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K I 465.1505 Tectonic Assemnlage Map of the Canadian Cordillera and adjacent parts of the United States of America 1:2 000 000 Tipper, H. W.; Woodsworth, G. J.; Gabrielse, H. In: Geological Survey of Canada Map Series A
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Gabrielse, H.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 12