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A global evaluation of streamflow drought characteristics
Fleig, A. K.; Tallaksen, L. M.; Hisdal, H.; Demuth, S.
In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences ; 10, no. 4
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Low-frequency variability of European runoff
Gudmundsson, L.; Tallaksen, L. M.; Stahl, K.; Fleig, A. K.
In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences ; 15, no. 9
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Regional hydrological droughts and weather types in north-western Europe
Fleig, A. K.; Tallaksen, L. M.; Hisdal, H.; Hannah, D. M.
In: GRA - Volume 11
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Stochastic semi-continuous simulation for extreme flood estimation in catchments with combined rainfall–snowmelt flood regimes
Lawrence, D.; Paquet, E.; Gailhard, J.; Fleig, A. K.
In: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences ; 14, no. 5
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Hydrological drought types in cold climates: quantitative analysis of causing factors and qualitative survey of impacts
Van Loon, A. F.; Ploum, S. W.; Parajka, J.; Fleig, A. K.; Garnier, E.; Laaha, G.; Van Lanen, H. A. J.
In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences ; 19, no. 4
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Attribution of European precipitation and temperature trends to changes in synoptic circulation
Fleig, A. K.; Tallaksen, L. M.; James, P.; Hisdal, H.; Stahl, K.
In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences ; 19, no. 7