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1 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   P.S.932,40.232
Tectonic contribution to relative sea level change
Antonioli, Fabrizio; Faivre, Sanja; Ferranti, Luigi; Monaco, Carmelo
In: Quaternary International
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A new plate boundary in the Ionian Sea
Polonia, Alina; Torelli, Luigi; Artoni, Andrea; Bortoluzzi, Giovanni; Faccenna, Claudio; Ferranti, Luigi; Gasperini, Luca; Govers, Rob; Monaco, Carmelo; Neri, Giancarlo; Orecchio, Barbara; Wortel, M. J. Rinus
In: GRA - Volume 16
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Multidisciplinary investigation of the seismogenic structure of the Matese 2013-2014 seismic sequence (Southern Apennine, Italy)
Ferranti, Luigi; Milano, Girolamo; Burrato, Pierfrancesco; Palano, Mimmo; Cannavò, Flavio
In: GRA - Volume 16
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Geologic map and structural analysis of the Victoria quadrangle, Mercury
Galluzzi, Valentina; di Achille, Gaetano; Ferranti, Luigi; Rothery, David A.; Palumbo, Pasquale
In: GRA - Volume 17
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Could the collapse of a massive speleothem be the record of a large paleoearthquake?
Valentini, Alessandro; Pace, Bruno; Vasta, Marcello; Ferranti, Luigi; Colella, Abner; Vassallo, Maurizio
In: GRA - Volume 18
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First results of an INGV project for the integrated analysis of the active tectonics in SW Sicily
Mattia, Mario; Barreca, Giovanni; Bottari, Carla; Valentina, Bruno; Burrato, Pierfrancesco; Cultrera, Fabrizio; Dardanelli, Luigi; De Gregorio, Sofia; Ferranti, Luigi; Guzzetta, Laura; Madonia, Paolo; Monaco, Carmelo; Pipitone, Claudia; Fabrizio, Pepe; Guglielmino, Francesco
In: GRA - Volume 19
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The 1:3M geologic map of Mercury: progress and updates
Galluzzi, Valentina; Guzzetta, Laura; Mancinelli, Paolo; Giacomini, Lorenza; Malliband, Christopher C.; Mosca, Alessandro; Wright, Jack; Ferranti, Luigi; Massironi, Matteo; Pauselli, Cristina; Rothery, David A.; Palumbo, Pasquale
In: GRA - Volume 19