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An atomic force microscopy study of diamond dissolution features: the effect of H2O and CO2 in the fluid on diamond morphology
Fedortchouk, Yana; Manghnani, Murli; Hushur, Anwar; Nestola, Fabrizio
In: GRA - Volume 12
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First in-situ single-crystal structure refinement of a garnet included in diamond
Nestola, Fabrizio; Nimis, Paolo; Longo, Micaela; Kopylova, Maya; De Stefano, Andrea; Marzoli, Andrea; Fedortchouk, Yana; Manghnani, Murli; Harris, Jeff W.
In: GRA - Volume 12
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Role of fluid in the mechanism of formation of volcaniclastic and coherent kimberlite facies: a diamond perspective
Fedortchouk, Yana; Chinn, Ingrid
In: GRA - Volume 18
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Diamond morphology as a key to understanding metasomatic processes in subcratonic mantle
Fedortchouk, Yana; Perritt, Samantha; Chinn, Ingrid
In: GRA - Volume 18