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Titel Petrographic study of thermal and shock metamorphism in Mező madaras, Knyahinya and Mocs chondrites
VerfasserIn I. Gyollai, J. Fürj, Sz. Bérczi, A. Gucsik, Sz. Nagy, M. Veres
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2009
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 11 (2009)
Datensatznummer 250022065
Introduction We investigated two processes in a series of the Hungarian L-chondrites: shock and thermal metamorphism. Thermal metamorphism transforms the textures in the relatively small chondritic planetary body. Shock metamorphism is caused by hypervelocity impact processes transforming texture and mineral structure mainly in the outermost layers of the chondritic planetary body [1,2]. The purpose of this optical microscopic study is to indentify the degree of thermal metamorphism and stages of shock metamorphism in the selected Hungarian meteorites, which have not been described well, up to date. Samples and Experimental Procedure The mineral assemblages and textures were characterized with a Nikon Eclipse LV100POL optical microscope using plane-and cross polarized light modes (at E