Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Ekman, A. M. L.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 12
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Explicit simulations of aerosol physics in a cloud-resolving model: a sensitivity study based on an observed convective cloud Ekman, A. M. L.; Wang, C.; Wilson, J.; Ström, J. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 4, no. 3
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Toward a minimal representation of aerosols in climate models: description and evaluation in the Community Atmosphere Model CAM5 Liu, X.; Easter, R. C.; Ghan, S. J.; Zaveri, R.; Rasch, P.; Shi, X.; Lamarque, J.-F.; Gettelman, A.; Morrison, H.; Vitt, F.; Conley, A.; Park, S.; Neale, R.; Hannay, C.; Ekman, A. M. L.; Hess, P.; Mahowald, N.; Collins, W.; Iacono, M. J.; Bretherton, C. S.; Flanner, M. G.; Mitchell, D. In: Geoscientific Model Development ; 5, no. 3
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Total aerosol effect: radiative forcing or radiative flux perturbation? Lohmann, U.; Rotstayn, L.; Storelvmo, T.; Jones, A.; Menon, S.; Quaas, J.; Ekman, A. M. L.; Koch, D.; Ruedy, R. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 10, no. 7
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The effect of sea ice loss on sea salt aerosol concentrations and the radiative balance in the Arctic Struthers, H.; Ekman, A. M. L.; Glantz, P.; Iversen, T.; Kirkevåg, A.; Mårtensson, E. M.; Seland, Ø.; Nilsson, E. D. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 11, no. 7
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Inverse modeling of cloud-aerosol interactions – Part 1: Detailed response surface analysis Partridge, D. G.; Vrugt, J. A.; Tunved, P.; Ekman, A. M. L.; Gorea, D.; Sorooshian, A. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 11, no. 14
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Inverse modelling of cloud-aerosol interactions – Part 2: Sensitivity tests on liquid phase clouds using a Markov chain Monte Carlo based simulation approach Partridge, D. G.; Vrugt, J. A.; Tunved, P.; Ekman, A. M. L.; Struthers, H.; Sorooshian, A. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 12, no. 6
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Wintertime Arctic Ocean sea water properties and primary marine aerosol concentrations Zábori, J.; Krejci, R.; Ekman, A. M. L.; Mårtensson, E. M.; Ström, J.; Leeuw, G.; Nilsson, E. D. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 12, no. 21
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Aerosol–climate interactions in the Norwegian Earth System Model – NorESM1-M Kirkevåg, A.; Iversen, T.; Seland, Ø.; Hoose, C.; Kristjánsson, J. E.; Struthers, H.; Ekman, A. M. L.; Ghan, S.; Griesfeller, J.; Nilsson, E. D.; Schulz, M. In: Geoscientific Model Development ; 6, no. 1
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Comparison between summertime and wintertime Arctic Ocean primary marine aerosol properties Zábori, J.; Krejci, R.; Ström, J.; Vaattovaara, P.; Ekman, A. M. L.; Salter, M. E.; Mårtensson, E. M.; Nilsson, E. D. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 13, no. 9
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The Arctic summer atmosphere: an evaluation of reanalyses using ASCOS data Wesslén, C.; Tjernström, M.; Bromwich, D. H.; de Boer, G.; Ekman, A. M. L.; Bai, L.-S.; Wang, S.-H. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 14, no. 5
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Seasonal variation of aerosol water uptake and its impact on the direct radiative effect at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard Rastak, N.; Silvergren, S.; Zieger, P.; Wideqvist, U.; Ström, J.; Svenningsson, B.; Maturilli, M.; Tesche, M.; Ekman, A. M. L.; Tunved, P.; Riipinen, I. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 14, no. 14
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The vertical structure of cloud radiative heating over the Indian subcontinent during summer monsoon Johansson, E.; Devasthale, A.; L'Ecuyer, T.; Ekman, A. M. L.; Tjernström, M. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 15, no. 20
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Ekman, A. M. L.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 12