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1 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   P.S.1069,80.391
Net dextral slip, Neogene San Gregorio-Hosgri fault zone, coastal California: Geologic evidence and tectonic implications
Dickinson, William R.; Ducea, Mihai; Rosenberg, Lewis I.; Greene, H. Gary; Graham, Stephan A.; Clark, Joseph C.; Weber, Gerald E.; Kidder, Steven; Ernst, W. Gary; Brabb, Earl E.
In: Geological Society of America Special Paper
2 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   P.S.2702,80.11
Arc Magmatic Tempos
Paterson, Scott R.; Ducea, Mihai N.
In: Elements
3 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   P.S.1068,80.212
Geodynamics of a Cordilleran Orogenic System: The Central Andes of Argentina and Northern Chile
DeCelles, Peter G.; Ducea, Mihai N.; Carrapa, Barbara; Kapp, Paul A.
In: Geological Society of America Memoir
4 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   Volltext-Dokument vorhanden P.S.732,80.150
Near-ultrahigh pressure processing of continental crust: miocene crustal xenoliths from the Pamir
Hacker, B.; Luffi, P.; Lutkov, V.; Minaev, V.; Ratschbacher, Lothar; Ducea, M.
In: 7th International Eclogite Conference 2005: Juli 3rd - July 9th, Seggau, Austria: Abstracts, Excursions
5 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   Volltext-Dokument vorhanden P.S.732,80.150
Garnet-phlogopite websterite xenoliths from the Pamir: shallow mafic cumulates metamorphosed at high pressures, potential sources for (ultra)potassic melts
Luffi, P.; Ducea, M.; Hacker, B. R.; Ratschbacher, Lothar; Plank, T.
In: 7th International Eclogite Conference 2005: Juli 3rd - July 9th, Seggau, Austria: Abstracts, Excursions
6 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   Volltext-Dokument vorhanden P.S.1255,40.9
Cadomian-early paleozoic ages if the Sebes-Lotru Terrane (South Carpathians, Romania)
Balintoni, Ioan; Ducea, Mihai; Pana, Dinu; Wetmore, Paul; Robu, Ion; Robu, Lucia
In: PANGEO Austria 2004: "Erdwissenschaften und Öffentlichkeit" Graz, 24.-26. September 2004: Beitragskurzfassungen
7 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   Volltext-Dokument vorhanden 7741,40-Per.120
Provenance of Eastern Carpathian mid-Cretaceous clastic sediments: Implications for the evolution of Moldavides
Roban, Relu Dumitru; Ducea, Mihai N.; Krezsek, Csaba; Profeta, Lucia; Panaiotu, Cristian George; Dimofte, Daniela; Francovschi, Ion; Apotrosoaei, Vlad; Melinte-Dobrinescu, Mihaela C.
In: 10th International Symposium on the Cretaceous, Vienna, August 21–26, 2017 - Abstracts
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Geochemical Evidence of a Near Surface History for the Source Rocks of the Central Coast Mountains Batholith, British Columbia
Stremtan, C. C.; Wetmore, P. H.; Ducea, M. N.
In: GRA - Volume 11
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Neoproterozoic-Ordovician Sebes-Lotru compozite terrane from South Carpathians, Romania
Balintoni, I.; Balica, C.; Ducea, M.; Hann, H. P.; Sabliovschi, V.
In: GRA - Volume 11
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Superposed orogenic collision and core-complex formation at the present contact between the Dinarides and the Pannonian basin: The Bukulja and Cer Mountains in central and western Serbia
Matenco, Liviu; Toljić, Marinko; Ducea, Mihai; Stojadinović, Uroš
In: GRA - Volume 12
11 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   Volltext-Dokument vorhanden
Precise U-Pb dating of Cenozoic tropical reef carbonates: Linking the evolution of Cenozoic Caribbean reef carbonates to climatic and environmental changes.
Silva-Tamayo, J. C.; Ducea, M.; Cardona, A.; Montes, C.; Rincon, D.; Machado, A.; Flores, A.; Sial, A.; Pardo, A.; Niño, H.; Ramirez, V.; Jaramillo, C.; Zapata, P.; Barrios, L.; Rosero, S.; Bayona, G.; Zapata, V.
In: GRA - Volume 14
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Constraints on plateau architecture and assembly from deep crustal xenoliths, northern Altiplano (SE Peru)
Chapman, Alan; Ducea, Mihai; McQuarrie, Nadine; Coble, Matthew; Petrescu, Lucian; Hoffman, Derek
In: GRA - Volume 18