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Petrophysical characteristics of sandstones dating from the Buntsandstein in the Upper Rhine Graben: case of the borehole EPS1 (Soultz-Sous-Forêts, France)
Haffen, Sébastien; Geraud, Yves; Diraison, Marc; Dezayes, Chrystel
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Petrophysical properties and 3D block model of Buntsandstein Sandstones reservoir (Upper Rhine Graben)
Haffen, Sébastien; Geraud, Yves; Diraison, Marc; Dezayes, Chrystel
In: GRA - Volume 15
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Geothermal, structural and petrophysical characteristics of Buntsandstein sandstone reservoir in the Upper Rhine Graben
Haffen, Sébastien; Geraud, Yves; Diraison, Marc; Dezayes, Chrystel; Siffert, Déborah; Garcia, Michel
In: GRA - Volume 16
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Localization, characterization and dating of water circulations in the soil-saprolite system of the Strengbach watershed: petrological, hydro-geophysical and geochemical evidences.
Chabaux, François; Viville, Daniel; Pierret, Marie-Claire; Stille, Peter; Lerouge, Catherine; Wyns, Robert; Dezayes, Chrystel; Labasque, Thierry; Aquilina, Luc; Ranchoux, Coralie; Négrel, Philippe
In: GRA - Volume 19
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Fluid paleocirculations at the cover/granite interface in the Rhine graben
Lerouge, Catherine; Dezayes, Chrystel; Bailly, Laurent; Flehoc, Christine; Guerrot, Catherine; Wille, Guillaume
In: GRA - Volume 19