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Tracking abrupt climate shifts with stable isotopes in lacustrine sediments: geochemical evidence for dynamic temperature, precipitation and seasonality regimes during the last deglaciation (8 to 15ka BP)
Candy, Ian; Blockley, Simon; Matthews, Ian; Palmer, Adrian; Darvill, Chris
In: GRA - Volume 15
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Postglacial Human resilience and susceptibility to abrupt climate change new insights from Star Carr
Blockley, Simon; Abrook, Ashley; Bayliss, Alex; Candy, Ian; Conneller, Chantal; Darvill, Chris; Deeprose, Laura; Kearney, Rebecca; Langdon, Pete; Langdon, Cath; Lincoln, Paul; Macleod, Alison; Matthews, Ian; Palmer, Adrian; Schreve, Danielle; Taylor, Barry; Milner, Nicky
In: GRA - Volume 19