Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Cunningham, C. G.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 7
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P.S.120,80.1469 Revised Stratigraphy and Radiometric Ages of Volcanic Rocks and Mineral Deposits in the Marysvale Area, West-Central Utah Steven, T. A.; Cunningham, C. G. In: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Bulletin
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P.S.120,80.1468 Mount Belknap and Red Hills Calderas and Associated Rocks, Marysvale Volcanic Field, West Central Utah Steven, T. A.; Cunningham, C. G. In: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Bulletin
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P.S.263,40.1354 Petrology and Chemistry of the Joe Lott Tuff Member of the Mount Belknap Volcanics, Marysvale Volcanic Field, West-Central Utah Budding, Karin E.; Cunningham, Charles G.; Zielinski, Robert A.; Steven, Thomas A.; Stern, Charles R. In: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper
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P.S.263,40.1149 Cenozoic Stratigraphic and Structural Framework of Southwestern Utah Steven, Thomas A.; Rowley, Peter D.; Anderson, John J.; Cunningham, Charles G. In: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper
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K I 1223.1520 Geologic map of the Beaver Quadrangle, Beaver and Piute Counties, Utah 1:50.000 Machette, Michael N.; Steven, Thomas A.; Cunningham, Charles G.; Anderson, John J. In: Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Series
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K I 1223.1430.B Map of Argillic and Advanced Argillic Alteration and principal Hydrothermal Quartz and Alunite Veins in the Tushar Mountains and adjoining areas, Marysvale Volcanic Field, Utah 1:50.000 Cunningham, Charles G.; Steven, Thomas A.; Rowley, Peter D.; Glassgold, Lori B.; Anderson, John J. In: Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Series
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K I 1223.1430.A Geologic map of the Tushar Mountains and adjoining areas, Marysvale Volcanic Field, Utah 1.50.000 Cunningham, Charles G.; Steven, Thomas A.; Rowley, Peter D.; Glassgold, Lori B.; Anderson, John J. In: Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Series
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Cunningham, C. G.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 7