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Integration of satellite-derived precipitation estimates and GeoNode capabilities for addressing the risk of flooding to local communities
Cristofori, Elena Isotta; Camaro, Walther Camilo; Balbo, Simone; Pasquali, Paolo
In: GRA - Volume 17
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Adapting Coastal State Indicators to end-users: the iCoast Project
Demarchi, Alessandro; Cristofori, Elena Isotta; Gracia, Vicente; Sairouní, Abdel; García-León, Manuel; Cámaro, Walther; Facello, Anna
In: GRA - Volume 18
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The Value of Information and Geospatial Technologies for the analysis of tidal current patterns in the Guanabara Bay (Rio de Janeiro)
Cristofori, Elena Isotta; Demarchi, Alessandro; Facello, Anna; Cámaro, Walther; Hermosilla, Fernando; Lopez, Jaime
In: GRA - Volume 18
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An approach to integrate spatial and climatological data as support to drought monitoring and agricultural management problems in South Sudan
Bonetto, Sabrina; Facello, Anna; Cámaro, Walther; Cristofori, Elena Isotta; Demarchi, Alessandro
In: GRA - Volume 18