Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Cramer, Fritz H.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 18
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P.S.599,40.N.E.1970 Distribution of selected Siluruan Acritarchs: An Account of the Palynostratigraphy and Paleogeography of selected Silurian Acritarch Taxa Cramer, Fritz H. In: Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia: Numero Extraordinario
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P.S.2113,80.Nu.ex.1 I Coloquio internacional de palinologia, 5 - 10 setiembre 1977, Leon Cramer, Fritz H. In: Palinologia: Numero extraordinario
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P.S.1839,80.24 Range Chart of Selected Lower Paleozoic Acritarch Taxa Diez de Cramer, Maria del Carmen R.; Diez, R.; Cramer, Fritz H. In: Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology ; 24.1-4
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P.S.2113,80.Nu.ex.1 Iberian Chitinozoans.- I. Introduction and Summary of Pre-Devonian Data Cramer, F. H.; Diez, M. d. C. R. In: I Coloquio internacional de palinologia, 5 - 10 setiembre 1977, Leon
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P.S.2113,80.Nu.ex.1 Iberian Chitinozoans.- II. Lower Devonian Forms (La Vid Shales and Equivalents) Diez, M. d. C. R.; Cramer, F. H. In: I Coloquio internacional de palinologia, 5 - 10 setiembre 1977, Leon
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P.S.924,80.30 Microplankton from three Paleozoic formations in the province of Leon, NW-Spain Cramer, Fritz H. In: Leidse Geologische Mededelingen ; 30
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P.S.972,80.81-92 Hoegispheres and other microfossils incertae sedis of the San Pedro Formation (Siluro Devonian Boundary) near Valporquero, Leon, NW Spain Cramer, Fritz H. In: Notas y Comunicaciones del Instituto Geologico y Minero de Espana ; 86
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P.S.15,80.75 Chitinozoans of a composite section of Upper Llandoverian to basal Lower Gedinnian sediments in northern Leon, Spain: A preliminary report Cramer, Fritz H. In: Bulletin de la Societe Belge de Geologie, de Paleontologie et d'Hydrologie ; 75
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P.S.1310,80.44 Angochitina sinica, a new Siluro-Devonian chitinozoan from Yunnan province, China Cramer, Fritz H. In: Journal of Paleontology ; 44
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P.S.1310,80.43 Possible implications for Silurian paleogeography from phytoplancton assemblages of the Rose Hill and Tuscarora Formations of Pennsylvania Cramer, Fritz H. In: Journal of Paleontology ; 43
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SE 12634-A Exclusive occurrence of chitinozoans and miospores in a shale of Devonian age from the Malvinas Islands Cramer, Fritz H.; Diez de Cramer, Maria del Carmen R.; Diez de Cramer, Maria del Carmen R. In: Ameghiniana ; 9.3
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P.S.56,40.B.138.5/6.1 North American Silurian palynofacies and their spatial arrangement: Acritarchs Cramer, Fritz H.; Diez de Cramer, Maria del Carmen R. In: Palaeontographica: Abteilung B - Palaeophytologie ; 138.5/6
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P.S.56,40.B.148.1-3.1 Polymorphism in Silurian Chitinozoans from Tunisia Cramer, Fritz H.; Diez, Maria del Carmen R. In: Palaeontographica: Abteilung B - Palaeophytologie ; 148.1-3
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SE 13966-A Nota provisional sobre la presencia de microplankton y esporomorfas en las rocas sedimentarias del Devonico Inferior en las Montanas Cantabricas Cramer, Fritz H. In: Estudios Geologicos ; 19
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P.S.56,40.B.158.1-4.2 Acritarchs from the La Vid Shales (Emsian to Lower Couvinian) at Colle, Leon, Spain Cramer, Fritz H.; Diez, Maria del Carmen R. In: Palaeontographica: Abteilung B - Palaeophytologie ; 158.1-4
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P.S.56,40.B.145.5-6.2 Upper Arenigian to Lower Llanvirnian Acritarchs from the Subsurface of the Tadla Basin in Morocco Cramer, Fritz H.; Allam, Bensayah; Kanes, William H.; Diez, Maria del Carmen R. In: Palaeontographica: Abteilung B - Palaeophytologie ; 145.5/6
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P.S.56,40.B.146.3-6.1 Early Ordovician Acritarchs from the Tadla Basin of Morocco Cramer, Fritz H.; Kanes, William H.; Diez, Maria del Carmen R.; Christopher, Raymond A. In: Palaeontographica: Abteilung B - Palaeophytologie ; 146.3-6
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K IV 2805 Cherokee County, Muskogee County and Wagoner County, Oklahoma Cramer, F. H. |
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Cramer, Fritz H.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 18