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Rediscovery of the Liverpool land eclogites (central east Greenland): a post and supra-subduction UHP province
Hartz, E. H.; Condon, D.; Austrheim, H.; Erambert, M.
In: 7th International Eclogite Conference 2005: Juli 3rd - July 9th, Seggau, Austria: Abstracts, Excursions
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Carbon isotopes of ICDP FAR-DEEP Hole 3A: alteration or a signal from atmospheric methane oxidation at the onset of the first Huronian glaciation?
Brasier, A. T.; Martin, A. P.; Prave, A. R.; Melezhik, V. A.; Condon, D.; Fallick, A. E.
In: GRA - Volume 14