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Titel |
Modeling volcanic ash resuspension – application to the 14–18 October 2011 outbreak episode in central Patagonia, Argentina |
VerfasserIn |
A. Folch, L. Mingari, M. S. Osores, E. Collini |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Digitales Dokument |
Erschienen |
In: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences ; 14, no. 1 ; Nr. 14, no. 1 (2014-01-17), S.119-133 |
Datensatznummer |
Publikation (Nr.) |
copernicus.org/nhess-14-119-2014.pdf |
Zusammenfassung |
Volcanic fallout deposits from the June 2011 Cordón Caulle eruption on
central Patagonia were remobilized in several occasions months after their
emplacement. In particular, during 14–18 October 2011, an intense outbreak
episode generated widespread volcanic clouds that were dispersed across
Argentina, causing multiple impacts in the environment, affecting the air
quality and disrupting airports. Fine ash particles in volcanic fallout
deposits can be resuspended under favorable meteorological conditions,
particularly during strong wind episodes in arid environments with low soil
moisture and poor vegetation coverage. As opposed to eruption-formed ash
clouds, modeling of resuspension-formed ash clouds has received little
attention. In consequence, there are no emission schemes specially developed
and calibrated for resuspended volcanic ash, and few operational products
exists to model and forecast the formation and dispersal of resuspension ash
clouds. Here we implement three dust emission schemes of increasing
complexity in the FALL3D tephra dispersal model and use the 14–18 October 2011 outbreak episode as a model test case. We calibrate the emission schemes
and validate the results of the coupled WRF–ARW (Weather Research and
Forecasting – Advanced Research WRF)/FALL3D modeling system using satellite
imagery and measurements of visibility (a quantity related to total suspended
particle concentration at the surface) and particulate matter (PM10)
concentration at several meteorological and air quality stations located at Argentina and Uruguay. Our final goal is to test the capability of the
modeling system to become, in the near future, an operational forecast
product for volcanic ash resuspension events. |
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