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1 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   P.S.2292,80.30
Lavinskyte-1M, K(LiCu)Cu₆(Si₄O₁₁)₂(OH)₄, the monoclinic MDO equivalent of lavinskyite-2O (formerly lavinskyite), from the Cerchiara manganese mine, Liguria, Italy
Kolitsch, Uwe; Merlino, Stefano; Belmonte, Donato; Carbone, Cristina; Cabella, Roberto; Lucchetti, Gabriella; Ciriotti, Marco E.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy ; 30
2 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   P.S.2292,80.31
Arsenmedaite, Mn²⁺₆As⁵⁺Si₅O₁₈ (OH), the arsenic analogue of medaite, from the Molinello mine, Liguria, Italy: occurrence and crystal structure
Biagioni, Cristian; Belmonte, Donato; Carbone, Cristina; Cabella, Roberto; Zaccarini, Federica; Balestra, Corrado
In: European Journal of Mineralogy ; 31
3 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   P.S.873,40.35.2
Hydrothermal silicification and hypogene dissolution of an exhumed Neoproterozoic carbonate sequence in Brazil: Insights from fluid inclusion microthermometry and silicon-oxygen isotopes
Pisani, Luca; Koltai, Gabriella; Dublyansky, Yuri; Kleine, Barbara I.; Whitehouse, Martin J.; Skrzypek, Etienne; Carbone, Cristina; Spötl, Christoph; Antonellini, Marco; Bezerra, Francisco H.; De Waele, Jo
In: Basin Research ; 35.2-3