Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Car, Joze', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 10
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P.S.1923,80.F.26 Selected ore deposits, igneous and metamorphic rocks from the Eastern Alps, Slovenia: IMA 2010 Field Trip Guide SI1 Car, Joze; Dobnikar, Meta; Herlec, Uros; Jersek, Miha; Rezun, Bojan; Skobe, Simona; Vrabec, Mirijam; Zupan-Hajna, Nadja; Zupančič, Nina In: Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica: Field Guide Series
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13451,40 Geoloska zgradba idrijsko-cerkljanskega hribovja: tolmac h Geoloski karti idrijsko-cerkljanskega hribovja med Stopnikom in Rovtami v merilu 1:25.000: monografija Car, Joze |
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7741,40-Per.65 Pläne zur Bewahrung des Quecksilberbergbaues Idrija nach der geplanten Schließung im Jahr 2006 Dizdarevič, Tatjana; Car, Joze In: Das kulturelle Erbe in den Montan- und Geowissenschaften: Bibliotheken - Archive - Sammlungen: 8. Internationales Symposium (3. - 7. Oktober 2005) Schwaz;Geschichte der Erdwissenschaften in Österreich: 5. Arbeitstagung (3. - 7. Oktober 2005) Schwaz
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P.S.429,40.41 Miocene tectonic evolution of the Periadriatic Zone and surrounding area in Slovenia: repeated dextral transpression Fodor, László; Jelen, Bogomir; Márton, Emő; Skaberne, Dragomir; Car, Joze; Vrabec, Marko In: Dynamics of the Pannonian-Carpathian-Dinaride System: PANCARDI Workshop 1996
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P.S.429,40.41 Tertiary Basins in Slovenia Sachsenhofer, Reinhard F.; Jelen, Bogomir; Fodor, László; Márton, Emő; Skaberne, Dragomir; Car, Joze; Vrabec, Marko In: Dynamics of the Pannonian-Carpathian-Dinaride System: PANCARDI Workshop 1996
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P.S.1749,80.spec.iss.4 Written reports on the effects of mining activities on the natural environment in Idrija in the 19th Century Car, Joze; Dizdarevič, Tatjana In: Proceedings of the VII International Symposium 'Cultural Heritage in Geosciences, Mining and Metallurgy: Libraries - Archives - Museums' "Museums and their collections" held at the Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden (The Netherlands), 19-23 May, 2003
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P.S.1749,80.spec.iss.4 Geological Study Collection of the Mercury Mine in Idrija Car, Joze; Rezun, Bojan In: Proceedings of the VII International Symposium 'Cultural Heritage in Geosciences, Mining and Metallurgy: Libraries - Archives - Museums' "Museums and their collections" held at the Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden (The Netherlands), 19-23 May, 2003
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7741,40-Per.101 Conditions in the Idrija Mercury Mine at the end of the 16th Century and Measures for its Restoration Car, Joze; Peljhan, Martina; Dizdarevič, Tatjana In: 12th International Erbe Symposium Bozen/Bolzano 30. September - 4. Oktober 2013: Cultural Heritage Symposium in Geosciences, Mining and Metallurgy Libraries - Archives - Collections: Contributions / Abstracts
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P.S.1337,40.11 Conditions in the Idrija Mercury Mine at the end of the 16th Century and Measures for its Restoration Car, Joze; Peljhan, Martina; Dizdarevič, Tatjana In: Geo.Alp ; 11
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P.S.1064,40.17 Miocene-Pliocene tectonic evolution of the Slovenian Periadriatic fault: Implications for Alpine-Carpathian extrusion models Fodor, László; Jelen, Bogomir; Márton, Emő; Skaberne, Dragomir; Car, Joze; Vrabec, Marko In: Tectonics ; 17
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Car, Joze', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 10