Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Bugge, J. A. W.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 13
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46869,80 Aspects of the Geology of Northern Norway: Precambrian and Caledonian rocks and structures: Geomorphology: Guide to excursion no. A3 Holtedahl, Olaf; Foyn, Sven; Reitan, Paul H.; Bugge, Jens A. W. |
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P.S.736,80.95 Et forsök paa inddeling av det Syd-Norske grundfjeld Bugge, Arne In: Norges Geologiske Undersökelse
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P.S.736,80.130 En forekastning i det Syd-Norske Grunnfjell Bugge, Arne In: Norges Geologiske Undersökelse
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P.S.736,80.143 Flesberg og Eiker: Beskrivelse til de geologiske gradavdelingskarter F. 35 Ö og F. 35 V: de Löse avleiringer Bugge, Arne; Samuelsen, A. In: Norges Geologiske Undersökelse
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P.S.736,80.146 Kongsberg-Bamble formasjonen Bugge, Arne In: Norges Geologiske Undersökelse
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P.S.736,80.160 Geological and petrographical investigations in the Kongsberg-Bamble Formation Bugge, Jens A. W. In: Norges Geologiske Undersökelse
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P.S.736,80.171 Rana Gruber: geologisk beskrivelse av jernmalmfeltene i Dunderlandsdalen Bugge, Jens A. W. In: Norges Geologiske Undersökelse
8 |
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P.S.736,80.212 Aspects of the geology of northern Norway: Precambrian and Caledonian rocks and structures, geomorphology: Guide to excursion no. A 3 Holtedahl, Olaf; Foyn, Sven; Reitan, Paul H.; Bugge, Jens A. In: Excursions in Norway: 17 guide-books prepared for the XXI International Geological Congress 1960
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P.S.736,80.212 Precambrian gneisses and granites of the Skagerak coastal area south Norway: Guide to excursion no. A 8 Barth, T. F. W.; Bugge, J. A. W.; Elders, W. A. In: Excursions in Norway: 17 guide-books prepared for the XXI International Geological Congress 1960
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P.S.736,80.217 Norges molybdenforekomster Bugge, Arne In: Norges Geologiske Undersökelse
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P.S.736,80.229 Iakttagelser fra Rektangelbladet Kragero og Den store Grunnfjellsbreksje Bugge, Arne In: Norges Geologiske Undersökelse
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P.S.728,80.21.A8 Precambrian Gneisses and Granites of the Skagerak Coastal Area south Norway: Guide to excursion no. A 8 Barth, T. F. W.; Bugge, J. A. W. In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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P.S.860,80.20 Geological and petrographical investigations in the Arendal District Bugge, Jens A. In: Norsk geologisk Tidsskrift ; 20
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Bugge, J. A. W.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 13