Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Brouwers, Elisabeth', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 5
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P.S.120,80.1990 A New Tolypella from the Ocean Point Dinosaur Locality, North Slope, Alaska, and the Late Cretaceous to Paleocene Nitelloid Charophytes Feist, Monique; Brouwers, Elisabeth In: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Bulletin
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P.S.120,80.1598 Micropaleontology and sedimentology of the PB borehole series, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska McDougall, Kristin; Brouwers, Elisabeth; Smith, Peggy In: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Bulletin
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P.S.263,40.1531 Systematic Paleonology of Quaternary Ostracode Asseblages from the Gulf of Alaska, Part 2: Families Trachyleberididae, Hemicytheridae, Loxoconchidae, Paracytherideidae Brouwers, Elisabeth M. In: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper
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P.S.263,40.1510 Systematic paleontology of Quaternary ostracode assemblages from the Gulf of Alaska. Part 1: Families Cytherellidae, Bairdiidae, Cytheridae, Leptocytheridae, Limnocytheridae, Eucytheridae, Krithidae, Cushmanideidae Brouwers, Elisabeth M. In: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper
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P.S.2068,80.1 Ostracoda and Correlation of the Severn Formation (Navarroan, Mastrichtian) of Maryland Brouwers, Elisabeth M.; Hazel, Joseph E. In: SEPM Paleontological Monograph
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Brouwers, Elisabeth', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 5