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Validation of the calibration of a laser-induced fluorescence instrument for the measurement of OH radicals in the atmosphere
Bloss, W. J.; Lee, J. D.; Bloss, C.; Heard, D. E.; Pilling, M. J.; Wirtz, K.; Martin-Reviejo, M.; Siese, M.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 4, no. 2
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Development of a detailed chemical mechanism (MCMv3.1) for the atmospheric oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons
Bloss, C.; Wagner, V.; Jenkin, M. E.; Volkamer, R.; Bloss, W. J.; Lee, J. D.; Heard, D. E.; Wirtz, K.; Martin-Reviejo, M.; Rea, G.; Wenger, J. C.; Pilling, M. J.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 5, no. 3
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OH and HO2 chemistry during NAMBLEX: roles of oxygenates, halogen oxides and heterogeneous uptake
Sommariva, R.; Bloss, W. J.; Brough, N.; Carslaw, N.; Flynn, M.; Haggerstone, A.-L.; Heard, D. E.; Hopkins, J. R.; Lee, J. D.; Lewis, A. C.; McFiggans, G.; Monks, P. S.; Penkett, S. A.; Pilling, M. J.; Plane, J. M. C.; Read, K. A.; Saiz-Lopez, A.; Rickard, A. R.; Williams, P. I.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 6, no. 4
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Concentrations of OH and HO2 radicals during NAMBLEX: measurements and steady state analysis
Smith, S. C.; Lee, J. D.; Bloss, W. J.; Johnson, G. P.; Ingham, T.; Heard, D. E.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 6, no. 5
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Peroxy radical chemistry and the control of ozone photochemistry at Mace Head, Ireland during the summer of 2002
Fleming, Z. L.; Monks, P. S.; Rickard, A. R.; Heard, D. E.; Bloss, W. J.; Seakins, P. W.; Still, T. J.; Sommariva, R.; Pilling, M. J.; Morgan, R.; Green, T. J.; Brough, N.; Mills, G. P.; Penkett, S. A.; Lewis, A. C.; Lee, J. D.; Saiz-Lopez, A.; Plane, J. M. C.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 6, no. 8
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The North Atlantic Marine Boundary Layer Experiment(NAMBLEX). Overview of the campaign held at Mace Head, Ireland, in summer 2002
Heard, D. E.; Read, K. A.; Methven, J.; Al-Haider, S.; Bloss, W. J.; Johnson, G. P.; Pilling, M. J.; Seakins, P. W.; Smith, S. C.; Sommariva, R.; Stanton, J. C.; Still, T. J.; Ingham, T.; Brooks, B.; Leeuw, G.; Jackson, A. V.; McQuaid, J. B.; Morgan, R.; Smith, M. H.; Carpenter, L. J.; Carslaw, N.; Hamilton, J.; Hopkins, J. R.; Lee, J. D.; Lewis, A. C.; Purvis, R. M.; Wevill, D. J.; Brough, N.; Green, T.; Mills, G.; Penkett, S. A.; Plane, J. M. C.; Saiz-Lopez, A.; Worton, D.; Monks, P. S.; Fleming, Z.; Rickard, A. R.; Alfarra, M. R.; Allan, J. D.; Bower, K.; Coe, H.; Cubison, M.; Flynn, M.; McFiggans, G.; Gallagher, M.; Norton, E. G.; O'Dowd, C. D.; Shillito, J.; Topping, D.; Vaughan, G.; Williams, P.; Bitter, M.; Ball, S. M.; Jones, R. L.; Povey, I. M.; O'Doherty, S.; Simmonds, P. G.; Allen, A.; Kinnersley, R. P.; Beddows, D. C. S.; Dall'Osto, M.; Harrison, R. M.; Donovan, R. J.; Heal, M. R.; Jennings, S. G.; Noone, C.; Spain, G.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 6, no. 8
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Free radical modelling studies during the UK TORCH Campaign in Summer 2003
Emmerson, K. M.; Carslaw, N.; Carslaw, D. C.; Lee, J. D.; McFiggans, G.; Bloss, W. J.; Gravestock, T.; Heard, D. E.; Hopkins, J.; Ingham, T.; Pilling, M. J.; Smith, S. C.; Jacob, M.; Monks, P. S.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 7, no. 1
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Night-time radical chemistry during the NAMBLEX campaign
Sommariva, R.; Pilling, M. J.; Bloss, W. J.; Heard, D. E.; Lee, J. D.; Fleming, Z. L.; Monks, P. S.; Plane, J. M. C.; Saiz-Lopez, A.; Ball, S. M.; Bitter, M.; Jones, R. L.; Brough, N.; Penkett, S. A.; Hopkins, J. R.; Lewis, A. C.; Read, K. A.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 7, no. 3
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Observations of OH and HO2 radicals in coastal Antarctica
Bloss, W. J.; Lee, J. D.; Heard, D. E.; Salmon, R. A.; Bauguitte, S. J.-B.; Roscoe, H. K.; Jones, A. E.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 7, no. 16
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Design of and initial results from a Highly Instrumented Reactor for Atmospheric Chemistry (HIRAC)
Glowacki, D. R.; Goddard, A.; Hemavibool, K.; Malkin, T. L.; Commane, R.; Anderson, F.; Bloss, W. J.; Heard, D. E.; Ingham, T.; Pilling, M. J.; Seakins, P. W.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 7, no. 20
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On the vertical distribution of boundary layer halogens over coastal Antarctica: implications for O3, HOx, NOx and the Hg lifetime
Saiz-Lopez, A.; Plane, J. M. C.; Mahajan, A. S.; Anderson, P. S.; Bauguitte, S. J.-B.; Jones, A. E.; Roscoe, H. K.; Salmon, R. A.; Bloss, W. J.; Lee, J. D.; Heard, D. E.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 8, no. 4
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DMS and MSA measurements in the Antarctic Boundary Layer: impact of BrO on MSA production
Read, K. A.; Lewis, A. C.; Bauguitte, S.; Rankin, A. M.; Salmon, R. A.; Wolff, E. W.; Saiz-Lopez, A.; Bloss, W. J.; Heard, D. E.; Lee, J. D.; Plane, J. M. C.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 8, no. 11
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Chemistry of the Antarctic Boundary Layer and the Interface with Snow: an overview of the CHABLIS campaign
Jones, A. E.; Wolff, E. W.; Salmon, R. A.; Bauguitte, S. J.-B.; Roscoe, H. K.; Anderson, P. S.; Ames, D.; Clemitshaw, K. C.; Fleming, Z. L.; Bloss, W. J.; Heard, D. E.; Lee, J. D.; Read, K. A.; Hamer, P.; Shallcross, D. E.; Jackson, A. V.; Walker, S. L.; Lewis, A. C.; Mills, G. P.; Plane, J. M. C.; Saiz-Lopez, A.; Sturges, W. T.; Worton, D. R.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 8, no. 14
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Photolysis frequency measurement techniques: results of a comparison within the ACCENT project
Bohn, B.; Corlett, G. K.; Gillmann, M.; Sanghavi, S.; Stange, G.; Tensing, E.; Vrekoussis, M.; Bloss, W. J.; Clapp, L. J.; Kortner, M.; Dorn, H.-P.; Monks, P. S.; Platt, U.; Plass-Dülmer, C.; Mihalopoulos, N.; Heard, D. E.; Clemitshaw, K. C.; Meixner, F. X.; Prévôt, A. S. H.; Schmitt, R.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 8, no. 17
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Distribution of gaseous and particulate organic composition during dark α-pinene ozonolysis
Camredon, M.; Hamilton, J. F.; Alam, M. S.; Wyche, K. P.; Carr, T.; White, I. R.; Monks, P. S.; Rickard, A. R.; Bloss, W. J.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 10, no. 6
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Iodine-mediated coastal particle formation: an overview of the Reactive Halogens in the Marine Boundary Layer (RHaMBLe) Roscoff coastal study
McFiggans, G.; Bale, C. S. E.; Ball, S. M.; Beames, J. M.; Bloss, W. J.; Carpenter, L. J.; Dorsey, J.; Dunk, R.; Flynn, M. J.; Furneaux, K. L.; Gallagher, M. W.; Heard, D. E.; Hollingsworth, A. M.; Hornsby, K.; Ingham, T.; Jones, C. E.; Jones, R. L.; Kramer, L. J.; Langridge, J. M.; Leblanc, C.; LeCrane, J.-P.; Lee, J. D.; Leigh, R. J.; Longley, I.; Mahajan, A. S.; Monks, P. S.; Oetjen, H.; Orr-Ewing, A. J.; Plane, J. M. C.; Potin, P.; Shillings, A. J. L.; Thomas, F.; Glasow, R.; Wada, R.; Whalley, L. K.; Whitehead, J. D.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 10, no. 6
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Measurements of iodine monoxide at a semi polluted coastal location
Furneaux, K. L.; Whalley, L. K.; Heard, D. E.; Atkinson, H. M.; Bloss, W. J.; Flynn, M. J.; Gallagher, M. W.; Ingham, T.; Kramer, L.; Lee, J. D.; Leigh, R.; McFiggans, G. B.; Mahajan, A. S.; Monks, P. S.; Oetjen, H.; Plane, J. M. C.; Whitehead, J. D.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 10, no. 8
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Night-time chemistry above London: measurements of NO3 and N2O5 from the BT Tower
Benton, A. K.; Langridge, J. M.; Ball, S. M.; Bloss, W. J.; Dall'Osto, M.; Nemitz, E.; Harrison, R. M.; Jones, R. L.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 10, no. 20
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Coupling of HOx, NOx and halogen chemistry in the antarctic boundary layer
Bloss, W. J.; Camredon, M.; Lee, J. D.; Heard, D. E.; Plane, J. M. C.; Saiz-Lopez, A.; Bauguitte, S. J.-B.; Salmon, R. A.; Jones, A. E.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 10, no. 21
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Iodine monoxide at a clean marine coastal site: observations of high frequency variations and inhomogeneous distributions
Commane, R.; Seitz, K.; Bale, C. S. E.; Bloss, W. J.; Buxmann, J.; Ingham, T.; Platt, U.; Pöhler, D.; Heard, D. E.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 11, no. 13