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1 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   34678,80-Per.72
Explanatory Notes to the reconnaissance geologic map of the Wadi Al Jizl Quadrangle, Sheet 26/37 A, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: With a section on qualitative airborne geophysical interpretation
Davies, F. Bryan; Frets, D. C.; Hanif, M. Rashad; Irvine, John L.; Bin Abri, Faisal
In: Geologic Map Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Explanatory Notes
2 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   34678,80-Per.67
Explanatory Notes to the reconnaissance geologic map of the Badr Hunayn Quadrangle, Sheet 23/38 B, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: With a section on qualitative airborne geophysical interpretation
Clark, Malcolm D.; Madini, Nashad; Irvine, John L.; Bin Abri, Faisal
In: Geologic Map Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Explanatory Notes
3 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   34678,80-Per.65
Explanatory Notes to the reconnaissance geologic map of the Wadi Hammah Quadrangle, Sheet 22/40 C, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: With a section on qualitative airborne geophysical interpretation
Smith, John W.; Irvine, John L.; Bin Abri, Faisal
In: Geologic Map Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Explanatory Notes
4 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   34678,80-Per.57
Explanatory Notes to the reconnaissance geologic map of the Duba Qudrangle, Sheet 27/35 D, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: With a section on qualitative airborne geophysical interpretation
Davies, F. Bryan; Irvine, John L.; Bin Abri, Faisal
In: Geologic Map Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Explanatory Notes
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Explanatory Notes to the geologic map of the Al Hamra' Quadrangle, Sheet 23C, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: with a section on qualitative airborne geophysical interpretation
Clark, Malcolm D.; Irvine, John L.; Bin Abri, Faisal
In: Geologic Map Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Explanatory Notes
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Explanatory Notes to the Reconnaissance geologic map of the Masturah Quadrangle, Sheet 23/38 D, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: With a section on Qualitative Airborne Geophysical Interpretation
Mills, J. Peter; Irvine, John L.; Bin Abri, Faisal
In: Geologic Map Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Explanatory Notes
7 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   34678,80-Per.43
Explanatory Notes to the Reconnaissance geologic map of the Aba Al Qazaz Quadrangle, Sheet 26/36 B, ingdom of Saudi Arabia: With a section on Qualitative Airborne Geophysical Interpretation
Frets, D. C.; Khallaf, H.; Khokandi, M. E.; Tayeb, G. M. S.; Davies, F. B.; Irvine, John L.; Bin Abri, Faisal; Fitch, F. H.
In: Geologic Map Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Explanatory Notes
8 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   34678,80-Per.42
Explanatory Notes to the Reconnaissance geologic map of the Wadi Thalbah Quadrangle, Sheet 26/36 A, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: With a section on Qualitative Airborne Geophysical Interpretation
Davies, F. Bryan; Irvine, John L.; Bin Abri, Faisal
In: Geologic Map Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Explanatory Notes