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Hydrothermal silicification and hypogene dissolution of an exhumed Neoproterozoic carbonate sequence in Brazil: Insights from fluid inclusion microthermometry and silicon-oxygen isotopes
Pisani, Luca; Koltai, Gabriella; Dublyansky, Yuri; Kleine, Barbara I.; Whitehouse, Martin J.; Skrzypek, Etienne; Carbone, Cristina; Spötl, Christoph; Antonellini, Marco; Bezerra, Francisco H.; De Waele, Jo
In: Basin Research ; 35.2-3
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Analyzing the temporal fluctuations of the reservoir-triggered seismicity observed at Açu (Brazil)
Telesca, L.; do Nascimento, A. F.; Bezerra, F. H. R.; Ferreira, J. M.
In: Natural Hazards and Earth System Science ; 12, no. 3
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Influence of faulting on iron oxide concretion and Liesegang band patterns in poorly lithified sandstones of the Barreiras formation, NE Brazil: inferences for fluid flow in clastic reservoirs
Balsamo, Fabrizio; Bezerra, Hilario; Storti, Fabrizio; Veira, Marcela
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Fault-related Fe-oxide concretions and Liesegang bands in sandstones: insights into advective versus diffusive fluid flow in deforming porous media
Balsamo, F.; Bezerra, F. H. R.; Vieira, M. M.; Storti, F.
In: GRA - Volume 14
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Evidence for Quaternary earthquakes from paleo-fluidization structures along the Pernambuco lineament (NE-Brazil).
Nestola, Yago; Balsamo, Fabrizio; Bezerra, Francisco Hilario Rego; Nogueira, Fancisco Cézar Costa; Storti, Fabrizio
In: GRA - Volume 16
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Onshore-offshore evidence for periodic post-rift shear reversal along the Pernambuco Fracture Zone, NE Brazil
Balsamo, Fabrizio; Nestola, Yago; Storti, Fabrizio; Nogueira, Cézar; Bezerra, Hilario F. R.
In: GRA - Volume 16
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Dissolution along fracture systems in Turonian-Campanian carbonates in Brazil
Bezerra, Francisco Hilario Rego; Cazarin, Caroline; Nogueira, Francisco; Rabelo, Juliana; Bertotti, Giovanni; Bisdom, Kevin; Silva, Carlos; Maia, Rubson
In: GRA - Volume 17
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Petrophysical properties of carbonate rocks: example from the cretaceous Jandaira Formation, Potiguar basin - Brazil
Nogueira, Francisco; Soares, José; Bezerra, Francisco; Cavalcanti, Bruno; Cazarin, Caroline
In: GRA - Volume 17
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Dissolution along faults-fractures and hypogenic karst in carbonates: examples from Brazil
Ennes-Silva, Renata; Cazarin, Caroline; Bezerra, Francisco; Auler, Augusto; Klimchouk, Alexander
In: GRA - Volume 17
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Fault evolution in the Potiguar rift termination, equatorial margin of Brazil
de Castro, D. L.; Bezerra, F. H. R.
In: Solid Earth ; 6, no. 1
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Distributed deformation structures in shallow water carbonates subsiding through a simple stress field (Jandaira Formation, NE Brazil)
Bertotti, Giovanni; Bisdom, Kevin; Bezerra, Hilario; Reijmer, John; Cazarin, Carol
In: GRA - Volume 18
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The role of major rift faults in the evolution of deformation bands in the Rio do Peixe Basin, Brazil
Bezerra, Francisco Hilario; Araujo, Renata; Maciel, Ingrid; Nogueira, Francisco Cezar; Balsamo, Fabrizio; Storti, Fabrizio; Souza, Jorge Andre; Carvalho, Bruno
In: GRA - Volume 19
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Origin and evolution of phyllosilicate deformation bands in the poorly lithified sandstones of the Rio do Peixe Basin, NE Brazil
Nogueira, Francisco; Nicchio, Matheus; Balsamo, Fabrizio; Bezerra, Francisco; Souza, Jorge; Carvalho, Bruno; Storti, Fabrizio
In: GRA - Volume 19