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Multidisciplinary characterisation of raw materials used for “ghiara” mortars from the historical city centre of Catania (Eastern Sicily, Southern Italy): insights into their genesis
Barca, Donatella; Belfiore, Cristina M.; La Russa, Mauro F.; Pelle, Teresa; Pezzino, Antonio; Scarciglia, Fabio; Viccaro, Marco
In: GRA - Volume 12
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Assessment of the effects of air pollution on european monuments through a geochemical characterization of black crusts
Comite, Valeria; Barca, Donatella; Belfiore, Cristina Maria; Bonazza, Alessandra; La Russa, Mauro Francesco; Ruffolo, SIlvestro Antonio; Pezzino, Antonino; Sabbioni, Cristina
In: GRA - Volume 16
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Experimental study on the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff: Salt weathering and consolidation
La Russa, Mauro Francesco; Ruffolo, SIlvestro Antonio; Alvarez de Buergo, Monica; Ricca, Michela; Belfiore, Cristina Maria; Pezzino, Antonino; Crisci, Gino Mirocle
In: GRA - Volume 18