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1 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   P.S.5,80.165
Excavation and humidity induced extension veins of mudrock clasts in a ductile rock salt matrix, filled with secondary halite deposits (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria, Bavaria)
Leitner, Christoph; Friedl, Gertrude; Baumann, Sebastian; Bieniok, Anna
In: Salt rocks - composition, structure and deformation behaviour
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Lithology or base level? – What controls the evolution of different landscapes in the northern Alpine Foreland?
Robl, Jörg; Baumann, Sebastian; Prasicek, Günther; Salcher, Bernhard; Keil, Melanie
In: XXI International Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association (CBGA): Abstracts: Advances of Geology in southeast European mountain belts: September 10-13, 2018 University of Salzburg, Austria
3 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   SE 14556-A
The effects of lithology and base level on topography in the northern alpine foreland
Baumann, Sebastian; Robl, Jörg; Prasicek, Günther; Salcher, Bernhard C.; Keil, Melanie
In: Geomorphology ; 313
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Geomorphic characterization of hilly relief in the north alpine foreland basin: The Hausruck- and Kobernaußerwald region
Baumann, Sebastian; Robl, Jörg; Keil, Melanie; Salcher, Bernhard
In: GRA - Volume 16
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Long-term evolution of hillslopes and drainage networks under repeated impact of glacial erosion
Salcher, Bernhard; Baumann, Sebastian; Kober, Florian; Robl, Jörg
In: GRA - Volume 17
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A multi-directional and multi-scale roughness filter to detect lineament segments on digital elevation models – analyzing spatial objects in R
Baumann, Sebastian; Robl, Jörg; Wendt, Lorenz; Willingshofer, Ernst; Hilberg, Sylke
In: GRA - Volume 18
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Lithology- versus base level-dependent morphogenesis of the Hausruck – Kobernaußerwald range
Baumann, Sebastian; Robl, Jörg; Salcher, Bernhard; Prasicek, Günther; Keil, Melanie
In: GRA - Volume 18
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A numerical solution to define channel heads and hillslope parameters from digital topography of glacially conditioned catchments
Salcher, Bernhard; Baumann, Sebastian; Kober, Florian; Robl, Jörg; Heiniger, Lukas
In: GRA - Volume 18