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Middle Miocene calcareous nannoplankton of NE Slovenia (western Central Paratethys)
Bartol, Milos
2 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   Volltext-Dokument vorhanden 7741,40-Per.85
The Paleocene/Eocene transition in the NW part of the Paleogene Adriatic carbonate platform and the adjacent basin
Drobne, Katica; Fucek, Vlasta Premec; Bartol, Milos; Ćosović, Vlasta; Stenni, Barbara; Pugliese, Nevio; Jez, Jernej
In: Climate and Biota of the Early Paleogene CBEP 2011: 5 - 8 June 2011 Salzburg, Austria: Conference Program and Abstracts
3 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   Volltext-Dokument vorhanden P.S.784,80.105.1
Microfauna and nannoplankton below the Paleocene/Eocene transition in hemipelagic sediments at the southern slope of Mt. Nanos (NW part of the Paleogene Adriatic carbonate platform, Slovenia)
Drobne, Katica; Bartol, Milos; Premec-Fucek, Vlasta; Schenk, Bettina; Ćosović, Vlasta; Pugliese, Nevio
In: Climate & Biota of the Early Paleogene: CBEP 2011 5th - 8th June, Salzburg: Proceedings
4 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   Volltext-Dokument vorhanden P.S.1255,40.21
The age of the Badenian/Sarmatian Extinction Event – New insights on the chronology of the Middle Miocene Paratethys Realm
Palcu, Dan V.; Tulbure, Maria; Bartol, Milos; Maris, Izabela; Krijgsman, Wout
In: 2nd International Congress on Stratigraphy STRATI 2015 19. - 23. July 2015, Graz, Austria: Abstracts