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Excursion No. 35: Pre-Scandian tectonic and magmatic evolution of the Helgeland Nappe Complex, Uppermost Allochthon
Nordgulen, O.; Barnes, C. G.; Yoshinobu, A. S.; Frost, Carol; Prestvik, T.; Austrheim, H.; Anderson, H. S.; Marko, W. T.; McArthur, K.
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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Reconstruction of pluton assembly using trace elements in rock-forming minerals: a LA ICP-MS study of augite and hornblende in the Wooley Creek batholith, Klamath Mountains, California.
Coint, N.; Barnes, C. G.; Yoshinobu, A. S.; Barnes, M. A.; Chamberlain, K. R.
In: GRA - Volume 14