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Letter to the Editor Energy spectrum of secondary protons above the atmosphere measured by the instruments NINA and NINA-2
Bidoli, V.; Casolino, M.; Pascale; Furano, G.; Iannucci, A.; Morselli, A.; Picozza, P.; Sparvoli, R.; Bakaldin, A.; Galper, A.; Koldashov, S.; Korotkov, M.; Leonov, A.; Mikhailov, V.; Voronov, S.; Boezio, M.; Bonvicini, V.; Vacchi, A.; Zampa, G.; Zampa, N.; Ambriola, M.; Cafagna, F.; Circella, M.; Marzo, C.; Adriani, O.; Papini, P.; Spillantini, P.; Straulino, S.; Vannuccini, E.; Ricci, M.; Castellini, G.
In: Annales Geophysicae ; 20, no. 10
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Pitch angle distribution of trapped energetic protons and helium isotope nuclei measured along the Resurs-01 No. 4 LEO satellite
Leonov, A.; Cyamukungu, M.; Cabrera, J.; Leleux, P.; Lemaire, J.; Gregorie, G.; Benck, S.; Mikhailov, V.; Bakaldin, A.; Galper, A.; Koldashov, S.; Voronov, S.; Casolino, M.; Pascale, M.; Picozza, P.; Sparvolli, R.; Ricci, M.
In: Annales Geophysicae ; 23, no. 9
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The measurements of light high-energy ions in NINA-2 experiment
Leonov, A.; Cyamukungu, M.; Cabrera, J.; Leleux, P.; Grégoire, Gh.; Benck, S.; Mikhailov, V.; Bakaldin, A.; Galper, A.; Koldashov, S.; Voronov, S.; Casolino, M.; Pascale, M. P.; Picozza, P.; Sparvoli, R.; Ricci, M.
In: Annales Geophysicae ; 25, no. 9