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Error dynamics in a coastal configuration of NEMO using stochastic modeling: first steps towards Data Assimilation in the Bay of Biscay
Quattrocchi, G.; Testut, C.-E.; Ayoub, N.; De Mey, P.; Reffray, G.; Chanut, J.; Drillet, Y.
In: GRA - Volume 14
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Constraint of the ocean vertical structure by sea level data in an intermediate coupled model of the equatorial Pacific
Thual, S.; Ayoub, N.; Dewitte, B.
In: GRA - Volume 14
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Low frequency modulation of the stability in a conceptual model of the equatorial Pacific: an estimate of the most influential changes in ENSO parameters over the recent decades
Thual, S.; Dewitte, B.; An, S.-I.; Illig, S.; Ayoub, N.
In: GRA - Volume 14
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NEMO on the shelf: assessment of the Iberia-Biscay-Ireland configuration
Maraldi, C.; Chanut, J.; Levier, B.; Ayoub, N.; Mey, P.; Reffray, G.; Lyard, F.; Cailleau, S.; Drévillon, M.; Fanjul, E. A.; Sotillo, M. G.; Marsaleix, P.; Mercator Research and Development Team
In: Ocean Science ; 9, no. 4
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Corrigendum to "NEMO on the shelf: assessment of the Iberia-Biscay-Ireland configuration" published in Ocean Sci., 9, 745-771, 2013
Maraldi, C.; Chanut, J.; Levier, B.; Ayoub, N.; Mey, P.; Reffray, G.; Lyard, F.; Cailleau, S.; Drévillon, M.; Fanjul, E. A.; Sotillo, M. G.; Marsaleix, P.; Mercator Research and Development Team
In: Ocean Science ; 9, no. 5