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Titel Anti-predation strategy, growth rate and extinction amongst Pliocene scallops of the US eastern seaboard
VerfasserIn Andrew Johnson, Annemarie Valentine, Melanie Leng, Hilary Sloane, Bernd Schöne, Donna Surge
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2017
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache en
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 19 (2017)
Datensatznummer 250151738
Publikation (Nr.) Volltext-Dokument vorhandenEGU/EGU2017-16494.pdf
Placopecten, Chesapecten and Carolinapecten are scallop (pectinid bivalve) genera occurring in the Pliocene of the US eastern seaboard. The first, present in the area today, is a smooth, streamlined form, adept at escaping predators by swimming (‘flight’ strategy). The other two, which are extinct, are plicate (‘ribbed’) forms. Plication facilitates a ‘resistance’ strategy towards predators which is benefited by large size and high shell thickness - maximally so if these states are achieved early in life. Oxygen isotope profiles show that early ontogenetic extensional growth in Pliocene Placopecten was at the same moderate rate as in modern Placopecten. By contrast, in Chesapecten it was as fast as in the fastest-growing modern scallop (c. 80 mm/annum), and accompanied by development of an unusually thick shell, while in Carolinapecten it was substantially faster still (<150 mm/annum). Rapid growth in Chesapecten and Carolinapecten was probably enabled by high primary productivity, for which there is evidence from sediment composition and the associated biota. The extinction of Chesapecten and Carolinapecten, and the survival of Placopecten, can be attributed to a decline in primary productivity which prevented a maximally effective ‘resistance’ strategy towards predators but had no deleterious impact on a ‘flight’ strategy.