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Titel Primary weathering rates, water transit times and concentration-discharge relations: A theoretical analysis for the critical zone
VerfasserIn Ali Ameli, Martin Erlandsson, Keith Beven Link zu Wikipedia, Irena Creed, Jeffrey McDonnell, Kevin Bishop
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2017
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache en
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 19 (2017)
Datensatznummer 250146627
Publikation (Nr.) Volltext-Dokument vorhandenEGU/EGU2017-10660.pdf
The permeability architecture of the critical zone exerts a major influence on the hydrogeochemistry of the critical zone. Water flowpath dynamics drive the spatio-temporal pattern of geochemical evolution and resulting streamflow concentration-discharge (C-Q) relation, but these flowpaths are complex and difficult to map quantitatively. Here, we couple a new integrated flow and particle tracking transport model with a general reversible Transition-State-Theory style dissolution rate-law to explore theoretically how C-Q relations and concentration in the critical zone respond to decline in saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) with soil depth. We do this for a range of flow rates and mineral reaction kinetics. Our results show that for minerals with a high ratio of equilibrium concentration to intrinsic weathering rate, vertical heterogeneity in Ks enhances the gradient of weathering-derived solute concentration in the critical zone and strengthens the inverse stream C-Q relation. As the ratio of equilibrium concentration to intrinsic weathering rate decreases, the spatial distribution of concentration in the critical zone becomes more uniform for a wide range of flow rates, and stream C-Q relation approaches chemostatic behaviour, regardless of the degree of vertical heterogeneity in Ks. These findings suggest that the transport-controlled mechanisms in the hillslope can lead to chemostatic C-Q relations in the stream while the hillslope surface reaction-controlled mechanisms are associated with an inverse stream C-Q relation. In addition, as the ratio of equilibrium concentration to intrinsic weathering rate decreases, the concentration in the critical zone and stream become less dependent on groundwater age (or transit time)