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Titel Application of magnetotelluric in the modeling of underlying structure of Gour Oumelalen (Egere-Aleksod terrane, Central Hoggar, South of Algeria)
VerfasserIn Zakaria Boukhalfa, Bouzid Abderrezak, Ouzegane Khadidja, Abderrahmane Bendaoud, Mohamed Hamoudi, Abtout Abdeslam, Bendekken Abdelhamid, Sofiane Saïd Bougchiche, Boukhlouf Walid, Boukar Abdelgharfour, Deramchi Aboubakr, Mohamed Bendali, Lemgharbi Abdenaceur, Djeddi Mohammed
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2016
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache en
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 18 (2016)
Datensatznummer 250129675
Publikation (Nr.) Volltext-Dokument vorhandenEGU/EGU2016-9818.pdf
The results of a magnetotelluric experiment crossing Ounane granodiorite to the east until the Amadror Wadi to the West, passing through Adrar Ounane in our study area are presented. The magnetotelluric field survey was carried out in the Gour Oumelalen (GO) area during March 2015. We deployed 34 magnetotelluric sites along two parallel EW profiles of a hundred km long. Time series were collected using a V5 system 2000® of Phoenix Geophysics. The first profile located to the north is composed of 18 braodband measurement sites obtained from merging magnetotelluri with audio-magnetotelluric (AMT) data. The second one located 10 km south of the first, is composed of 15 MT sites. An inter-station distance of ~5 km provides good lateral resolution. The MT time series were recorded during about 20 hours which allows to reach a depth of 100 km or more and the AMT data 30 minutes. This allows to get broadband magnetotelluric soundings with good quality data in period range from 0.001 s to 3000 s. In this study we will use the south profile data for modeling the underlying structure of GO. The crustal part of the model shows a resistance bloc, divided by conductive parts which can be interpreted as faults, as regards the lithospheric part it less resistant the upper part, the transition crust / mantle corresponding to MOHO is estimated at more or less 35 km.