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Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 18 (2016)
Datensatznummer 250122586
Publikation (Nr.) Volltext-Dokument vorhandenEGU/EGU2016-1652.pdf
Nuclear planetology is a new research field, tightly constrained by a coupled 187Re-232Th-238U systematics, which by means of nuclear astrophysics aims also at understanding the thermal evolution of Earth-like planets after Mercury-like contraction and Fermi-pressure controlled gravitational collapse events towards the end of their cooling period [1]. In nuclear planetology, Earth-like planets are regarded as old (redshift z >15), down-cooled and differentiated black dwarfs (Fe-C BLD’s), so-called interlopers from the Galactic bulge [1], which are subjected to endoergic 56Fe(γ,α)52Cr (etc.) reactions (photodisintegration), (γ,n) or (γ,p) and fusion reactions like 12C(α,γ)16O. It has recently been pointed out [1] that beside its surface temperature Teff of its outer core surface, the Earth shows also striking similarity in volume V (radius rEarth ≈6.370 km) with an old white dwarf star (WD; rWD ≈6.300 km) like WD0346+246. This major boundary condition for nuclear planetology can be described in terms of V Earth = V WD = V const=4•π•r3/3 (rWD ≈ rEarth). However, in addition to the fact that Earth is habitable, the most obvious difference between a WD and the Earth is their density ρ (ρ=m/V; m mass, V volume): while a WD may contain 1MO(MO= solar mass) per V const, the mass of the Earth is only a tiny fraction of this, ≈3•10−6 MO per V const. Therefore, it is crucial to understand ∂ρ, or why mEarth«mWD for V const. Here I argue that the application of principles constrained by the theory of relativity [2] may offer a possible answer to this question: it is generally accepted that mass is directly related to energy, E=m•c2 (E energy; m mass; c velocity of light) or m=E/c2. From m∼E we derive that any mass change can be described in terms of energy change [3]. Instead of ρ=m/V we may thus write ρ=E/c2•V, and because of the special scenario V Earth = V WD = V const discussed here, the denominator of this equation becomes a constant term C=c2•Vconst =9.73•1037m5s−2. From this it follows, that ρ=E/C, or ρ•C=E. Therefore, we arrive at ρ ∼E for the WD/FeC-BLD case or, considering the evolution of the system over time t: ∂ρ/∂t∼∂E∕∂t.Hence, concerning time integrated planetary evolution it may be concluded that any density change ∂ρ of an old stellar remnant towards a ≈3•10−6 MO habitable Earth-like planet is a measure for the system’s energy change ∂E. [1] Roller (2016), Geophys. Res. Abstr. 18, EGU2016-291-3. [2] Einstein (1905), Annalen d. Physik, 18, 639-641.