Titel |
Land surface spinup for episodic modeling |
VerfasserIn |
W. M. Angevine, E. Bazile, D. Legain, D. Pino |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Digitales Dokument |
Erschienen |
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 14, no. 15 ; Nr. 14, no. 15 (2014-08-14), S.8165-8172 |
Datensatznummer |
Publikation (Nr.) |
copernicus.org/acp-14-8165-2014.pdf |
Zusammenfassung |
Soil moisture strongly controls the surface fluxes in mesoscale numerical
models, and thereby influences the boundary layer structure. Proper
initialization of soil moisture is therefore critical for faithful
simulations. In many applications, such as air quality or process studies,
the model is run for short, discrete periods (a day to a month). This paper
describes one method for soil initialization in these cases – self-spinup. In
self-spinup, the model is initialized with a coarse-resolution operational
model or reanalysis output, and run for a month, cycling its own soil
variables. This allows the soil variables to develop appropriate spatial
variability, and may improve the actual values. The month (or other period)
can be run more than once if needed.
The case shown is for the Boundary Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset
Turbulence experiment, conducted in France in 2011. Self-spinup adds spatial
variability, which improves the representation of soil moisture patterns
around the experiment location, which is quite near the Pyrenees Mountains.
The self-spinup also corrects a wet bias in the large-scale analysis. The
overall result is a much-improved simulation of boundary layer structure,
evaluated by comparison with soundings from the field site.
Self-spinup is not recommended as a substitute for multi-year spinup with an
offline land data assimilation system in circumstances where the data sets
required for such spinup are available at the required resolution.
Self-spinup may fail if the modeled precipitation is poorly simulated. It is
an expedient for cases when resources are not available to allow a better
method to be used. |
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