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Titel Comparison of geoid models used in Poland - analysis associated with the introduction of EVRS system
VerfasserIn Tomasz Olszak, Ewa Andrasik, Marcin Barlik
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2013
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 15 (2013)
Datensatznummer 250080023
In Poland several of local quasi-geoid models are used in practice, mainly in context of satellite leveling measurements. Since 1993 were created gravimetric geoid models based on the solution to the Stokes problem and remove-restore technique (eg. “quasi97”, “Geoida2001”). These models are nowadays widely used in engineering applications. In 2012, has been developed geoid model “Geoid2008-PL”, based on discrete EGM2008 grid and its transformation into undulations defined by precise satellite and leveling measurements (integrated satellite and leveling networks). All these models tie geocentric ellipsoid height with Kronsztadt normal heights system. From 2019 in Poland will be introduced the new heights reference system, common for European countries EVRS system. As an integral part of the system will be implemented the European geoid model (EGG) with NAP definition as reference point. Poster contains the results of a comparison of these models, the reference surface for the Polish territory. Will be presented the results of a comparison between the models and to compare them with measured undulations on Polish integrated networks.