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Titel Monitoring Spatial and Temporal Variation in the Thermal Environment in YRD
VerfasserIn Xiaoyan Zhao, Shenbin Yang, Wei Wang, Jiaping Xu, Xuhui Lee
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2013
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 15 (2013)
Datensatznummer 250075151
The yangtze River delta(YRD) is one of the most active and developed economic belt and the largest concentration of adjacent metropolitan areas in china.It has a typical phenomenon of the regional Urban Heat Island (UHI) .Investigations on the effect of UHI traditionally derived from the difference in air temperature between a single city and its adjacent rural stations, the results are imprecise because stations are not representative.Land Surface Temperature(LST) is very important to study the urban climate and human-environment interactions. In this paper, a eight-year time series of MODIS daytime LST products (2003-2010,Auqa Statellite)were analyzed. The intensity of Urban heat island was estimated by comparative analysis of LST in urban and water areas. Taihu lake with an area of 2250km2 is a large lake in the Yangte Delta plain,it was chosen as background. MODIS LST products can reveal the spatial-temporal change process of the land surface thermal environment and the effect of regional urbannizaition in YRD. All cities are the warmest centers in the day, Annual mean LST in urbanized areas increases on water in Taihu lake by more 7℃ and on rural land(mostly irrigation cropland) by more 2℃.Annual mean LST is higher in the Taihu lake Surrounding regions ,and presents the regional thermal environmet in the core region of YRD,including of nanjing , changzhou, wuxi, shagnhai,hangzhou and ningbo,especially in southeast of Taihu lake. The region fromThe spatial pattern of annual mean LST is consistent from 2003a to 2010a , but the area of higher annual mean LST regions increases irregularly. The urbaniazation impact in warm season (May to September) is stronger than that in cold season(Novermber to February),the difference is about 2℃.The phenomenon of regional thermal environmet is more prominent in warm season.