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Titel Cosmic ray modulation of infra-red radiation in the atmosphere
VerfasserIn Karen Aplin, Michael Lockwood
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2013
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 15 (2013)
Datensatznummer 250074569
Cosmic rays produce small charged clusters, known as molecular cluster ions, as they pass through the lower atmosphere. Neutral molecular clusters such as dimers and complexes are expected to make a small contribution to the radiative balance, but atmospheric absorption by charged clusters has not hitherto been observed. Here we describe results from an atmospheric experiment where a thermopile filter radiometer tuned to a 9.15μm absorption band, already associated with infra-red absorption of molecular cluster ions, was used to monitor changes following events identified by a cosmic ray telescope sensitive to high energy (>400MeV) particles, principally muons at the surface. The change in longwave radiation in this absorption band due to molecular cluster ions is 7 mWm-2 for each event recorded by the cosmic ray telescope. The integrated atmospheric energy change for each event is 1.9 Jm-2, whereas the energy density of a typical air shower (40m radius from a 10GeV primary) is estimated to be 10-13 Jm-2, representing a direct amplification factor of 1012. This infra-red absorption from molecular cluster-ions is expected to occur continuously and globally, but calculations suggest that it has only a small effect on climate.