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Titel Impact of temperature on seismic data at the Ketzin site using fluid flow simulations
VerfasserIn Alexandra Ivanova, Christopher Juhlin, Ursula Lengler, Peter Bergmann, Stefan Luth
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2013
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 15 (2013)
Datensatznummer 250074531
Temperature is one of the main parameters influencing the properties of CO2 during storage in saline aquifers because it controls the phase behavior of the CO2/brine mixture. When the CO2 replaces brine as a free gas it affects the elastic properties of porous media considerably. In order to monitor the migration of geologically stored CO2 at the Ketzin site, 3D time-lapse seismic data were acquired by means of a baseline(pre-injection) survey in autumn 2005 and a first monitor survey in autumn 2009. During this period the temperature in the storage reservoir near the injection well increased from 34°C to 38°C. This increase led us to investigate the potential impact of temperature on the seismic response to the CO2 injection and on the CO2 mass estimations based on the Ketzin 4D seismic data. Two temperature scenarios in the reservoir(34°C and38°C) were simulated by multiphase fluid flow modeling. These simulations show that the impact of temperature on the seismic response is minor, but that the impact of the temperature on the CO2 mass estimations is significant.