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Titel Numerical Results of Earth's Core Accumulation 3-D Modelling
VerfasserIn Yurie Khachay, Vsevolod Anfilogov
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2013
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 15 (2013)
Datensatznummer 250071728
For a long time as a most convenient had been the model of mega impact in which the early forming of the Earth’s core and mantle had been the consequence of formed protoplanet collision with the body of Mercurial mass. But all dynamical models of the Earth’s accumulation and the estimations after the Pb-Pb system, lead to the conclusion that the duration of the planet accumulation was about 1 milliard years. But isotopic results after the W-Hf system testify about a very early (5-10) million years, dividing of the geochemical reservoirs of the core and mantle. In [1,3] it is shown, that the account of energy dissipating by the decay of short living radioactive elements and first of all Al,it is sufficient for heating even small bodies with dimensions about (50-100) km up to the iron melting temperature and can be realized a principal new differentiation mechanism. The inner parts of the melted preplanets can join and they are mainly of iron content, but the cold silicate fragments return to the supply zone. Only after the increasing of the gravitational radius, the growing area of the future core can save also the silicate envelope fragments. All existing dynamical accumulation models are constructed by using a spherical-symmetrical model. Hence for understanding the further planet evolution it is significant to trace the origin and evolution of heterogeneities, which occur on the planet accumulation stage. In that paper we are modeling distributions of temperature, pressure, velocity of matter flowing in a block of 3D- spherical body with a growing radius. The boundary problem is solved by the finite-difference method for the system of equations, which include equations which describe the process of accumulation, the Safronov equation, the equation of impulse balance, equation Navier-Stocks, equation for above litho static pressure and heat conductivity in velocity-pressure variables using the Businesque approach. The numerical algorithm of the problem solution in velocity-pressure variables is constructed on the base of the splitting method. The velocity field and pressure field we obtain using the checkerboard grid. The occurring and evolution of the initial heterogeneities in the growing planets is caused by heterogeneous distribution of falling accumulated bodies. 1.V.N. Anfilogov and Yu.V.Khachai A Possible Scenario of Material Differentiation at the Ini-tial Stage of the Earth’s Formation // Doklady Earth Sciences. V. 403 A.N 6. 2005. 954-957 Transl. from Doklady Akademii Nauk.v.403.N 6.2005.803-806. 2.Khachay Yu., Anfilogov V. VARIANTS OF TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTIONS IN THE EARTH ON ITS ACCUMULATION // Proc. of the 6th Orlov Conf. “The study of the Earth as a planet by methods of geophysics, geodesy and astronomy” K.: Akad. 2010.197-202. 3.V.N. Anfilogov and Yu.V.Khachay Differentiation of the mantle matter during the process of the Earth’s accumulation and early crust formation // Litosphere, 2012, N6, 3-15.