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Titel HONO/NOx ratio as a tool for the estimation of HONO levels in global models: Field Measurements Comparison and Global Impact
VerfasserIn Y. F. Elshorbany, B. Steil, J. Lelieveld Link zu Wikipedia
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2012
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 14 (2012)
Datensatznummer 250068957
The contribution of HONO photolysis to the radical budgets and ozone photochemical formation has been under increasing scrutiny in the last decades. However, owing to the so fare incomplete knowledge of HONO daytime sources, models significantly underestimate HONO levels. Previous studies showed that HONO/NOx ratio is a reasonable measure of HONO levels and that a strong unknown HONO daytime source can be revealed from the high HONO/NOx ratios obtained in these studies during afternoon. In this study, several data sets of different filed measurement campaigns distributed all over the globe which encountered a wide variety of atmospheric conditions within the last decade were investigated. From these studies, a median global HONO/NOx ratio were calculated, which were found to reasonably simulate the measured HONO levels based on the measured NOx levels, both on the ground and in gradient measurements studies. Using a 3D chemistry-climate global model and applying an iterative correction of the simulated HONO/NOx to reach the derived global value of HONO/NOx ratio, much reasonable HONO levels were also obtained, in comparison to the default case, which considers only the reaction of OH+NO=HONO as the sole source of HONO, which significantly underestimate HONO levels. The increase of HONO levels as a result of employing this global HONO/NOx ratio was found to have a significant impact on HOx (OH+HO2) and also on the secondary oxidation products (e.g, O3, PAN) only in high NOx polluted regions. The impact of using these realistic HONO levels on aerosol formation in global models will be also discussed.