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Titel Geologic mapping of the Av-2 Bellicia quadrangle of asteroid 4 Vesta
VerfasserIn O. Ruesch, H. Hiesinger, N. Schmedemann, T. Kneissl, D. T. Blewett, D. A. Williams, C. T. Russell, C. A. Raymond
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2012
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 14 (2012)
Datensatznummer 250066840
One of the largest asteroids in the Main Belt, the asteroid Vesta, is currently observed by the Dawn spacecraft [1]. In contrast to previously in-situ explored asteroids [2-7] Vesta is most probably an intact protoplanet and spectroscopic observations suggest a basaltic nature for its crust [8]. The Dawn Framing Camera [9] has acquired visible images that allow geologic mapping of its surface. Within the Dawn Mapping Working Group we focused on the north-eastern quadrangle (21° N-60° N and 0° E-90° E). Unfortunately, illumination conditions limited the observation from 21° N to 45° N and only with low incidence angle. The morphology of the study area is characterized by impact craters and smooth ejecta blankets typical for the northern hemisphere of Vesta. Using a lunar-like production function and chronology function [10], the crater size-frequency distribution (CSFD) indicates an old surface age with possible resurfacing events. A distinctive pattern in the CSFD for <10km craters is observed, but to fully understand its origin, further investigations are needed. Dark-rayed ejecta are observed, and overall distinctive albedo features are rare when compared to the equatorial terrains. For the study area we find that the visible-NIR spectral measurements, characterized by pyroxenes absorption bands [11], are neither related to volcanic/magmatic morphologic features (e.g., lava flows, dykes) nor to albedo features. Instead, the pyroxene signatures are associated with an old, cratered surface with a homogeneous albedo. [1] Russell et al., (2007) Earth Moon Planets, 10. [2] Carr et al., (1994) Icarus 107, 61-71. [3] Thomas et al., (1999) Icarus 140, 17-27. [4] Robinson et al., (2002) M&PS 37, 1651-1684. [5] Sullivan et al., (1996) Icarus 120,119-139. [6] Fujiwara et al., (2006) Science 312,1330. [7] Sierks et al., (2011) Science 334, 487. [8] Pieters et al., (2011) Space Sci. Rev. [9] Sierks et al., (2011) Space Sci Rev. [10] Neukum et al., (2011) EPSC-DPS2011-501-1. [11] Coradini et al., (2011) EPSC-DPS2011-740-6.