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Titel Exploring the “employability expectations” of the students of the European Space of Higher Education: a case of study in the University of Cordoba
VerfasserIn Emilio Camacho, Sergio Castro, Alfonso García-Ferrer, Rosa Gallardo, Blanca Pizarro, Encarnación Taguas
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2011
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 13 (2011)
Datensatznummer 250057871
One of the core objectives of the Bologna Process is to promote European citizens’ employability which implies: the internationalisation of the curricula, the development of skills for the labour market and engagement of employers to provide hiring opportunities; and promoting interdisciplinary training and transferable skills. Under this context, an explorative analysis was carried out in the School of Agronomist and Forest Engineering at the University of Cordoba to understand the “employability expectations” of the first group of students taking part in the European Space of Higher Education. Our aim is to propose a pilot survey to learn the interests of our students and to design further attractive strategies favouring their employability. The results illustrate that 56% of the students would like to work for a medium and small enterprise; 89 % of them think that they could carry out their own business but they need working experience; 50% of them considered that the practical work in enterprises is a suitable tool for acquiring working experience. However, it was found that 40% of students did not have any social connection with employers and enterprise world. This suggests that the main efforts must be focused on the engagement of enterprises that allow our students to complete their professional development and to gain the demanded working experience.