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Titel The dissemination activities of the ISTIMES project
VerfasserIn Monica Proto, Francesco Soldovieri, Vincenzo Cuomo, Claudio Moroni
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2011
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 13 (2011)
Datensatznummer 250055726
At the present time, the ISTIMES “Integrated System for Transport Infrastructure surveillance and Monitoring by Electromagnetic Sensing” project is at the middle of the three-year duration and some relevant and unexpected outcomes have been obtained concerning the dissemination activities. The research project ISTIMES, approved in the 7th Framework Programme, in the Joint Call ICT and Security, has the purpose to design, assess and promote an ICT-based system, exploiting distributed and local sensors, for non-destructive electromagnetic monitoring in order to achieve the critical transport infrastructures more reliable and safe. The integration of electromagnetic technologies with new ICT information and telecommunications systems enables remotely controlled monitoring and surveillance and real time data imaging of the critical transport infrastructures. During the first half of the project, the different electromagnetic techniques have been validated first on the test site of Montagnole rock-fall station in France, and then the overall system has been tested on two very challenging test beds such as the Silhochstrasse bridge in Switzerland and the Musmeci bridge in Italy. The interesting preliminary results arising from the first experiments carried out on the test site of Montagnole and the results coming from the implementation of the integration of different electromagnetic techniques applied on the test bed Musmeci bridge, have really demonstrate that the ISTIMES approach could be used also in other infrastructural contexts and have represented an exciting example of monitoring tool also for the end-users and stakeholders. The new approach of the ISTIMES project is of significant interest and represents a turning point in the traditional management policy by end-users and stakeholders. For this reason, dissemination activities have been carried out since the beginning of the project, by providing end users basic and updated information with the aim of encouraging and pushing the end-users to adopt the ISTIMES approach and the main outcomes for the policy formulation, routine monitoring programmes and remediation strategies for security purposes. Besides the usual dissemination activities, concerning the publication of papers, the website implementation and the participation in conferences, specific actions have been addressed to the involvement of end-users, by ensuring a strongly link to Defense, Local and Regional Authorities, major infrastructure manager boards, Civil Protection of other States, etc. These specific and capillary actions have excited great interest by some infrastructure managers, so that some collaborations have been formalized for the realization of on-demand activities concerning with the dams and bridge monitoring and diagnostics. This is an unexpected outcome of ISTIMES project, specifically concerning the dissemination activities, for the spreading out and the request of application of the ISTIMES approach by some end-users, also in other application areas. Acknowledgment The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement n° 225663.