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Titel Do high-speed plasma sheet flows contribute to inner magnetosphere dipolarisation? : A multi year statistical study using multi-spacecraft observations
VerfasserIn Roger Duthie, Andrew Fazakerley, Colin Forsyth, Andrew Walsh, Iannis Dandouras, Elizabeth Lucek, Tielong Zhang
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2011
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 13 (2011)
Datensatznummer 250053325
In the plasma sheet of Earth’s magnetotail, magnetic flux is frequently transported via intermittent, high-speed flows – termed “bursty bulk flows” (BBFs). Dipolarisation of the distended magnetic field pervading the night-side magnetosphere is also common. Both of these phenomena play a role in Earth’s substorm cycle. Previous studies have examined concurrent observations of BBF & dipolarisation events to seek evidence of a direct connection between BBFs & dipolarisations. Ohtani et al. (2006) performed a statistical analysis using Geotail & GOES data from 1993 to 2001. They concluded that the majority of cases showed no direct connection of BBF occurrence & dipolarisation at the geosynchronous orbit. Takada et al. (2006) did a similar study of concurrent observations made by one Cluster spacecraft and one Double Star spacecraft, using data from 2004. With this study, dipolarisations observed in the near-geosynchronous region (X > -8Re) were never associated with an observed BBF. The current work follows a similar line to Takada et al., though considers a larger set of events and uses all Cluster & Double Star spacecraft as appropriate to forming multi-point conjunctions in the magnetotail; the best possible utilisation of multi-spacecraft measurement has been attempted. This study seeks to answer questions raised by Ohtani et al. & Takada et al., such as whether BBFs of the near-Earth tail are ever associated with inner magnetosphere dipolarisation.