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Titel Examples of the great cross-border floods in Central Europe and lessons learnt (case studies: September and November 1890 on the occasion of their 120 anniversary)
VerfasserIn Jan Munzar
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2010
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 12 (2010)
Datensatznummer 250044629
With the respect to the size of extreme floods far beyond the borders of neighbouring countries, their research and comparison are possible only on the basis of a long-term international cooperation. There is only limited knowledge about the impacts of important historic floods affecting at the same time territories of multiple countries and attempts at flood-control measures in the past. E.g. only short time after catastrophic flood in September 1890 of European scope the imperial and royal governor of Bohemia issued in January 1891 a decree on the introduction of flood warning service on Czech rivers with instructions and a duty to send reports and warnings to Dresden, too. With respect to the fact that this flood occurred on an extensive part of Europe including the Danube R., the event became the last impulse for the establishment of an integrated hydrographic service in an Austrian Monarchy with the headquarters in Vienna in 1893. In comparison with the first case from September 1890 is the second one - the important flood from the end of November 1890, which affected e.g. Ohře/Eger R. in Bohemia (and destroyed the well-known spa Carlsbad) and simultaneously Saale R. in Thuringia, is up today practically without the attention of specialists: therefore is in focus of our contribution.