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Titel Climatology of the neutral atmosphere as measured by SOIR on board Venus Express
VerfasserIn Arnaud Mahieux, Rachel Drummond, Séverine Robert, Valerie Wilquet, Ann Carine Vandaele, Franck Montmessin, Jean-Loup Bertaux
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2010
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 12 (2010)
Datensatznummer 250038886
The SOIR instrument on board Venus Express performs solar occultation measurements in the IR region (2.2 - 4.3 µm) at a resolution of 0.12 cm-1, the highest on board Venus Express. It combines an echelle spectrometer and an AOTF (Acousto-Optical Tunable Filter) for the order selection [1, 2]. The wavelength range probed by SOIR allows a detailed chemical inventory of the Venus atmosphere above the cloud layer with an emphasis on vertical distribution of the [3, 4] H2O, HCl, HF, CO gases, as well as those of their isotopologues. Recent improvements of the retrieval method [5] allowed us to reinvestigate the vertical profiles of these minor constituents of the Venus mesosphere. In addition, the number of occultations dedicated to the above-mentioned molecules in combination with CO2 measurements (the major constituent of the Venus atmosphere) increased by more than 50 % during last year. The complete data set now covers 2.5 years with fairly good geographical coverage, although limited by the geometry of the orbit. We will present the climatology for some of the observed species. 1. Mahieux, A., et al., In-Flight performance and calibration of SPICAV SOIR on board Venus Express. Applied Optics, 2008. 47(13): p. 2252-65. 2. Nevejans, D., et al., Compact high-resolution space-borne echelle grating spectrometer with AOTF based on order sorting for the infrared domain from 2.2 to 4.3 micrometer. Applied Optics, 2006. 45(21): p. 5191-5206. 3. Fedorova, A., et al., HDO and H2O vertical distribution and isotopic ratio in the Venus mesosphere by Solar Occultation at Infrared spectrometer on board Venus Express. JGR, 2008. 113, E00B22: p. doi:10.1029/2008JE003146. 4. Vandaele, A.C., et al., Composition of the Venus mesosphere measured by SOIR on board Venus Express. J. Geophys. Res., 2008. 113, E00B23: p. doi:10.1029/2008JE003140. 5. Mahieux, A., et al., Venus atmospheric densities and temperature profiles retrieved from SOIR solar occultations on board Venus Express. J . Geophys . Res . 2010. (submitted).