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Titel The origin of volatiles on Titan and Enceladus
VerfasserIn Tobias Owen, H. B. Niemann, W. Kasprzak, S. K. Atreya, D. Gautier, J. Lunine
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2010
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 12 (2010)
Datensatznummer 250036523
The apparent absence of Kr and Xe from Titan’s atmosphere can be convincingly attributed to their intrinsically low abundances, provided Titan sampled a reservoir with similar abundances to one of those on the Sun, Earth, Mars, Venus or meteorites. The remarkably high value of 14N/36Ar provides the basic proof that Titan’s nitrogen originated as NH3, not N2. This conclusion is supported by studies of nitrogen isotopes in Jupiter’s atmosphere, comets and meteorites. The value of D/H in the water ice sampled from Enceladus so far is isotopically the same as values measured in comet nuclei originating from 3 different distances. This is consistent with the model of Owen and Robert (2010) requiring all ice in the outer solar system to have the same isotopic ratio, with the possible exception of Titan and the four large satellites of Jupiter.