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Titel When could the ionospheric trough be considered as the signature of the plasmapause?
VerfasserIn Mirela Voiculescu, Marius Echim, Fabien Darouzet, P. Viviane, Johan De Keyser
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2010
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 12 (2010)
Datensatznummer 250036418
The position of the plasmapause can be determined from in-situ satellite measurements or from UV pictures of the plasmasphere taken by the IMAGE satelite. Since IMAGE has stopped working in 2005 and CLUSTER is not always close to the plasmapause, it would be useful to have alternative ways of indirect identification of the plasmapause. Some studies have shown that the position of the plasmapause could be determined from ionospheric data using low altitude satellites or radar meassurements. The equatorial border of auroral precipitation, the light ion trough, red auroral arcs or enhancemengts of subauroral electron temperature were suggested as possible indicators of the plasmapause. However, it is unclear which (if any) of these correspondences is the best indicator of the plasmapause position and what are the background conditions (geomagentic activity, solar wind, IMF orientation, etc) when ionosphere data could be used for plasmapause definition. Coincident measuerements of middle and top ionosphere using DMSP, tomography and radar, and plasmapasue observations with IMAGE and/or CLUSTER are used for identifying conditions when different ionospheric processes are associated with plasmapause or plasmatrough.