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Titel Visualizing chemical phases in 3-D heterogeneous soil environments: combining X-ray microtomography with SEM-EDX
VerfasserIn W. Otten, D. Grinev, P. Baveye, C. Wilson
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2009
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 11 (2009)
Datensatznummer 250021623
Our knowledge of the location and incorporation of chemical compounds and soil organic carbon (C) into soil structure has largely evolved from experiments involving disruption of soil to obtain macro- and micro-aggregates. Inevitably, such results may be affected by our ability to produce aggregates from soil artificially; hence the true spatial distribution of chemical compounds within soil is largely obscured. Techniques such as Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (SEM-EDX) are increasingly being used to study the chemistry of organic materials in soils through the analysis of C, O and N ratios. The application to soil thin sections allows mapping of chemical phases, but only in 2-dimensions. Spatial maps with a resolution of 8 µm can be produced for an area of 1 cm2. In this paper we present preliminary findings where we combine sequential 2-dimensional maps of chemical phases produced using SEM-EDX with 3-dimensional visualization of soil structure produced by X-ray microtomography. We discus the challenges we face in order to combine these techniques so that we can quantify changes in soil microstructure and the spatial distribution of C during degradation of organic matter. Further development of such techniques can greatly advance understanding of C in soil and could, for the first time, link the dynamics of soil structure with organic matter decomposition in situ.