An inversion method for reconstructing the precipitating electron
energy flux from a set of multi-wavelength digital all-sky camera
(ASC) images has recently been developed by
tomografia. Preliminary tests suggested that the inversion is
able to reconstruct the position and energy characteristics of the
aurora with reasonable accuracy. This study carries out a thorough
testing of the method and a few improvements for its emission physics
We compared the precipitating electron energy fluxes as estimated by
the inversion method to the energy flux data recorded by the Defense
Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) satellites during four passes
over auroral structures. When the aurorae appear very close to the
local zenith, the fluxes inverted from the blue (427.8nm) filtered
ASC images or blue and green line (557.7nm) images together give the
best agreement with the measured flux values. The fluxes inverted from
green line images alone are clearly larger than the measured
ones. Closer to the horizon the quality of the inversion results from
blue images deteriorate to the level of the ones from green images. In
addition to the satellite data, the precipitating electron energy
fluxes were estimated from the electron density measurements by the
EISCAT Svalbard Radar (ESR). These energy flux values were compared to
the ones of the inversion method applied to over 100 ASC images
recorded at the nearby ASC station in Longyearbyen. The energy fluxes
deduced from these two types of data are in general of the same order
of magnitude. In 35% of all of the blue and green image inversions
the relative errors were less than 50% and in 90% of the blue and
green image inversions less than 100%.
This kind of systematic testing of the inversion method is the first
step toward using all-sky camera images in the way in which global UV images have
recently been used to estimate the energy fluxes. The advantages of
ASCs, compared to the space-born imagers, are their low cost, good
spatial resolution and the possibility of continuous, long-term
monitoring of the auroral oval from a fixed position. |